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When an individual receives compensation for their labor, they do not receive income for the services that they render. They are trading a portion of their time and talent in exchange for tokens representing the value of the labor they have performed.

Income as defined in the IRS code is the profit one receives from their corporate activity. The fruits of one's labor is not income, it is simply the compensation that one receives in exchange for his labor. In a Supreme Court ruling in 1894 it was determined that the income tax was unconstitutional. Congress was change he law so they changed the definition of income in order to be able to use the law to take the fruits of one's labor by defining their compensation as income.

Watch the following videos that will help you to understand the fraud that is being perpetrated by this privately owned corporation known as the IRS. The truth is that the IRS is really nothing more than the collection agency for the Federal Reserve that is masquerading as a government agency. By allowing this fraud to continue Congress has become an accomplice and has been violating the Constitution that they have taken an oath to defend.


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I heard this was the biggest fraud in history!  Just think if you didn't have to pay taxes things would be much better

this is a horrible scam that they are doing to american people.  The 16th admendment hasn't been legally ratified

its a law that really isnt a law.  But if you stand up to the IRS they say you obey the law even though they know its

not legally!  this is all part of the new world order scheme, to have a central bank and then have their collection

agency the irs go after and harass people.  When you think of it its worse than Robin Hood at least in that story

they gave to the  poor but in this one they steal from the poor and give to the rich!  If the Federal Reserve was

ever auduited i bet you anything we all be shocked to know where all he money is going.  Even the President

can't go to their meetings and they wait about 6 weeks before telling Congress about any policy changes or any thing so how can they ever balance the budget?....they can't...and won't!  This has got to be the worse scam

that they c an put on people.  Its time to throw of this shackle and make congress take their job back of

coining and regulating the money.  This is a giant criminal cabal and needs to be exposed and done away with

soon...before there is no more country!

i agree get rid of both them...SOON!

The return on one's investment of time and talent is not taxable income, but the return on invested capital is taxable income.

Please be careful in the near future. There are groups "demanding" to abolish the IRS. At first glance, it sounds like the answers to our prayer. But not so fast! That statement is followed up with "replacing it" with something else. A flat tax or The FairTax. Why should we be concerned?

For the last 100 years, the IRS, FR, and possibly the treasury have been laundering OUR money. None of it goes to running the expense of our Country. Legitimate and lawful corporate taxes alone take care of those expense. Why should WE "agree" to replace it with something that just totally unnecessary?

Why is this replacement being offered? I'm not sure, but could it be that a 100 year Corporate Charter expires right now? When we do our history, our founding fathers refused to have central banks control our money. But they were pressured. However, they did agree to allow several 20 year charters. Several times it was granted, and each one failed. Could it be that the un-ratified Federal Reserve and IRS were created with a bankers dream, 100 year charter? WE know it's a failure, why would we wish to do it again, no matter what affectionate sounding name they create this time? If done today, it WOULD BE lawful if ratified correctly. They win, we ARE slaves.

It is time to abolish the IRS, FR, and income taxes and NOT create a replacement. The Congress can resume their lawful coinage of our money without interest, as they are instructed in our Organic Constitution. No other outside entity is permitted this Constitutional requirement/mandate.

Secondarily, we would erase our National Debt, because we never had any to begin with. The FR never took an investor's money to "loan" to our treasury. There never was any capital investment, so no lawful interest is due! We all know they created money out of thin air. We can't repay any investor that never invested.

We recently prevailed in getting the long-awaited "Audit the Fed" approval. The resulting hearings did not supply any answers. The FR refused to answer to Congress where missing Trillions went, and who were the owners and investors. The answer was, "I don't know"! As far as I'm concerned, they failed the audit.

To finally nail the coffin closed, let's just demand to re-count the old ratification votes. Oops! Fraud. The FR and IRS owes the American people 100 years of income taxes WITH interest and treble damages. Same goes for all the unlawful IRS siezed property. We're going to need a super-computer to figure it out.

Yeah i agree congress need to take its job back and soon this federal reserve(which is not federal at all)  is destroying this country and the irs i agree should be abolished its terrible they use it to do their dirty work.

Now with all the scandals i personally feel that the IRS should not be able to continue harassing people for taxes and things because they are under investigation.  Why should we obey them when they have been found out to

be  targeting citizens and how in the world are they going to enforce obamacare what a bunch of crap(not to be vulcar here)  the US did ok before the fed and the IRS and it would save money by eliminating a useless federal

department!  Life without the IRS wow! be nice!


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