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The politicians of today,  like their counterparts in ancient Rome both knew the importance of keeping the slaves entertained is an effective tool in preventing revolutions.

In Rome the people were were given bread and circuses to distract them from the debauchery of the ruling class and today we are collectively obsessed with movie stars and professional athletes.

Instead of focusing on the performance of our legislators, we tend to focus on  Michael Trout, Tom Brady and Lebron James. We read all about their home runs, touchdown passes and points scored, while we completely ignore how our Congressmen vote on issues which affect our every day lives.

Did you know that the average professional athlete makes substantially more money than a brain surgeon or nuclear scientist?

Since I was 13 years old I have wasted thousands of hours listening to major league baseball games on the radio. If I had been paid a few pennies per hour, I would be a very rich man today.

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If we spent half as much time following the performances of our Congressional representatives as we do in following the  performances of the Hollywood movie stars and the professional athletes we would know if our Congressmen  and women were honoring or violating their oath to preserve, protect and defend our Constitution.


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