Since the first slaves arrived in North America in 1619 they have been treated as less than human. For hundreds of years in our nation's history black lives didn't matter.
The words penned by Thomas Jefferson that all men were created equal did not apply to the negro population. In a country that claims to be the home of the brave and the land of the free there is a shameful history of tyrants, promoting liberty, equality and justice.
The institution of slavery endured because it was endorsed and promoted by the national and state Constitutions. If Congress and or the President had challenged the Dredd Scott Decision and had repealed the Fugitive Slave Law, the institution of slavery would have ended without the Civil War.
When you learn of the government's support of the forced sterilization of negro women and the Tuskagee Syphilus Exeriments on black men, you understand the crimes.
These crimes were endorsed and promoted by the U.S. government and there is nothing we can do to undo the damage that has been done in the past. There are those who believe that we need to show remorse and take to preserve life. Rememresponsibility for the sins of our past.
Providing reparations to the descendants is not the answer. We need to treat our black brothers ans sisters with dignity and respect and recognize that all men and women are the same with God given rights. The black community needs to reject the idea that they are victims and in order to do so they need to forgive us for the sins of our fathers.
Doctors who perform abortions are hypocrites. They have taken the Hippocratic oathber, "First, do no harm.</
I disagree with the statement that we need to be forgiven for the sins of our fathers. My fore fathers never owned slaves nor would they have. I have nothing to be sorry for. Even had my ancestors from long ago owned slaves it does not mean i need forgiveness. I have never shown owned nor would I own slaves, I can guarantee you that no black person in America today was ever held in slavery to any one other than the US government. Of course the 13th amendment made me a slave to the federal government and the elite and the corporations. Anyone who buys into this racial animosity that is being pushed onto us is doing nothing more than aiding in the governments attempt to keep us all as slaves. We should unite. We should rise up and restore the Constitution. We need to return our nation to the idea that the final ultimate sovereignty is with the individual.
Every Fourteenth Amendment citizen of the UNITED STATES is a slave.
Our ancestors authorized the enslavement of the negro population by ratifying the Constitution. They were collectively responsible for allowing the institution of slavery to exist.
Forgiveness is not for the benefit of white America, it is for the benefit of the blacks. Until the black people forgive and forget the past they will fester like an open wound and will prevent racially harmony in America.
Who elected the Presidents and Congressmen that stood idly by while the institution of slavery was denying blacks of their God given rights?
The majority of people did not take interest in. During that time most people were busy just surviving. If my ancestors didn't own any slaves why would they care about the issue. Most people alive during that period didnt have access to all the information we have had for the last 100 years. You also have the people who were just brought up with it was the way things were. We still have so many today who just accept things as the way it is. Are they to be found guilty of a crime. The past is in the past. Step forward. The past is over. Make the changes now. What many black Americans demand is reverse slavery. This solves nothing. It will do nothing more than incite an eventual race war.
Robert please call me at 916-399-4881
Over 600,000 mostly white men died fighting for the freedom of slaves. How can you say whites are unafected when blacks reeeive enablement funding, special funds to earn their master's, special entitlements due to diversity quotas?
I asked when I was encouraged to get my Master's, if our Grow Your Own program would help me and I was told, "NO, you are the wrong color."
You are supporting the groups that want to destroy our history, our flags, our reputation of sacrifice, our very efforts to succeed and exceed, while their culture, aided by the democrats, has rejected authority, despises words such as "Cracker" as in Cracker Barrel, and who has no problem at all with shooting their own. 85 violent crimes in Chicago in one recent 24-hour period. 12 murders in that period. They are the very example of those who should take the plank out of their own eyes.
Until they express gratitude for the opportunities being an American citizen and gain some truth in valuing what previous black soldiers have done, and express gratitude for opportunities to earn an education, I will not support BLM. They are false. They are not biblical in any way, shape or form.
If they cannot acknowledge, as I freely acknowledge, that we are all equal in the eyes of God, I will not support their false weapon, designed to divide America. I owe them nothing except to love them and the same for them. They express no love in BLM. They are known by their fruits.
The Northern Army was not fighting to free the slaves, they were fighting to prevent the secession of the Southern States.
So many people have been taught incorrect history. General Grant At one time stated that if the civil war was being fought to free the slaves he would go south and fight for the confederacy. Lincoln Was a devout racist. Throughout his entire presidency he intended to ensure all black people were shipped out of the US. He made many speeches referencing the fact that black people were inferior and should never live in communities with white people. He also made it completely clear that no black person should ever have authority over a white person. Robert E Lee was anti slavery. The Confederacy also had plans to free the slaves in all their states and had sent word afffirming such to the governments of england and france. The US decided to claim to be freeing the slaves to bolster the will of some to keep fighting. There had suffered many losses and the war was dragging out. There were concerns over britian and france choosing to back the confederacy in which case The US would have lost the war.With the Declaration of freeing the slave in southern states they kept britian and france from jumping in soon enough to change the war to a victory of liberty for the confederacy in its claim for indepndence from the tyranny of a federal government. This was the true reason fro secession. The federal government was trying to usurp to many powers that belonged to the sovereign states of the united States.
It did not apply to my people. As Native Americans the rightful people of this Country, we are those being treated less than human. Our peaceful protest (we do not riot, burn or loot) to protect our water, our land, the lives of our people and we are beaten, killed and locked away in prison. To this day many of our people live in subhuman conditions of reservations. I do not want to hear Black Lives Matter, I want to hear All Lives Matter. For the North and the South the east and the west belong to the Native Americans.
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