Since the first slaves arrived in North America in 1619 they have been treated as less than human. For hundreds of years in our nation's history black lives didn't matter.
The words penned by Thomas Jefferson that all men were created equal did not apply to the negro population. In a country that claims to be the home of the brave and the land of the free there is a shameful history of tyrants, promoting liberty, equality and justice.
The institution of slavery endured because it was endorsed and promoted by the national and state Constitutions. If Congress and or the President had challenged the Dredd Scott Decision and had repealed the Fugitive Slave Law, the institution of slavery would have ended without the Civil War.
When you learn of the government's support of the forced sterilization of negro women and the Tuskagee Syphilus Exeriments on black men, you understand the crimes.
These crimes were endorsed and promoted by the U.S. government and there is nothing we can do to undo the damage that has been done in the past. There are those who believe that we need to show remorse and take to preserve life. Rememresponsibility for the sins of our past.
Providing reparations to the descendants is not the answer. We need to treat our black brothers ans sisters with dignity and respect and recognize that all men and women are the same with God given rights. The black community needs to reject the idea that they are victims and in order to do so they need to forgive us for the sins of our fathers.
Doctors who perform abortions are hypocrites. They have taken the Hippocratic oathber, "First, do no harm.</
That is exactly what I believe. I am part native, I think Cherokee. I have never seen any Native group act as these do, seeking anarchy, demanding attention to their skin color above all else.
Excellent post. The political left wants blacks see themselves as victims. We have no control over the past, but we do have the power to control our future.
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