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Incredibly, I'm hearing purportedly conservative attorneys assert that, techinically, illegals fall within the jurisdiction of the US and their newborns on US soil are, therefore, US Citizens. Amazing how an attorney can tease erroneous meanings from the Constitution. What they fail to do is to look to the very words of the 14th's framers, Sens. Trumbell, Howard, Bingham, for THEIR understanding of their intentions with the wording in question. To wit, Sen. Trumbell explained the meaning of  the "subject to the jurisdiction" wording thusly: "to make citizens of everyibody born in the US who owe allegiance to the US." He went on to further explain that "all persons born int he US, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens; this means subject to the COMPLETE JURISDICTION therof. And what do we mean by "complete jurisdiction thereof? "Not owing allegiance to anybody else. That is what it means." They just dont' want to understand. They'd prefer twisting and teasing meanings. It's what attorneys do after all. 


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