While there were a total of 3,194 billionaires worldwide in 2022, 756 lived in the United States.
If "We the People" collectively understood and defended the Constitution we would be without a doubt the most righteous of all nations.
We have failed to live up to the goal of protecting the liberty, equality and justice of all of the people.
Due to ignorance, apathy and irresponsibility, we have allowed an oligarchy of rich and powerful families to turn Congress into a den of thieves.
The men and women we elect to defend the Constitution deliberately violate the oath they took to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.
"We the People" are responsible for allowing the President, Congress and the Supreme Court to turn our Constitutional Republic in to an evil empire.
The greedy bastards have used government schools to indoctrinate our youth and to program them to sit down, shut up and do what they are told. Instead of being taught to think, they are asked to memorize and regurgitate.
The Federal government was created to protect our lives, liberty and property not to control every aspect of our lives.
Chattel Slavery was abolished by the third version of the 13th Amendment, but today hundreds of millions of Americans are debt slaves to the 756 billionaires who live in the United States.
First 13th Amendmemt
Second 13th Amendment
Third 13th Amendment