Choosing the Lesser of Two Evils
In the middle of the 20th Century the Bonanno and Gambino crime families dominated organized crime in the bouroughs of New York. Today these two crime families have been replaced by Republicans and Democrats who represent the financial interests of the wealthiest 1% of the A,erican people.
These gangs of politicians have conned us into believing that they represent us as they violate our Constitution whike they pick our pockets.
The 756 billionaires in the Unuted States invest hundreds of millions of dollars every two years to purchase the services of politicians to represent them in Congress.
Then millions of ignorant amd uninformed voters get to choose the lesser of two evils. No matter who the people choose richest Americans win and the rest of us lose. How long would you continue to patronize a crooked casino. When you register as a democrat or a republicam and vote in their sham elections you are giving your consent to be the victims of legal plunder.
Nearly half of the250 million eligible voters in the last Congressional election did'nt even bother to vote. If this mass of disenchanted Americans abamdoned the two major parties and registered with the Constitution Party the corrupt Republican and Democratic Parties wpi;d become irrelevant.