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hjnorary Israeli citizenship is a status given to people who have made significant contributions to Israel, such as helping Jews during the Holocaust or serving in the Israeli military.

At  least 29 Members of US House of Representatives Are Israeli Dual Citizens and Need to Be Voted Out on November 4, 2014 (Oct. 25, 2014)

There is no other co-ntry in the world that alows members of its national government to be a citizen of two different nations at the same time, except the United States. The dual citizen status can only apply to citizens of Israel, and no other country. This change to US law was made possible by the subversion and betrayal of Jewish Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas, a Johnson appointee, who later had to resign from the Supreme Court. This disastrous change to our immigration law MUST be changed back to no dual citizens allowed to participate in any government office. In the meantime, you have an opportunity to remove 29 of these Israeli fifth columnists from the House of Representatives on November 4. Do your part and VOTE on November 4 and kick the traitors out of congress.

House of Representatives:

(List compiled in 2012, updated changes noted below)

1. Representative Gary Ackerman (New York)
2. Representative John H. Adler (New Jersey) Adler became a New Jersey state senator and has since died.
3. Representative Shelley Berkley (Nevada) Isreal's own Berkley is running for US Senate in 2014.
4. Representative Howard Berman (California) Berman lost his seat in 2013 to redistricting and then Israeli dual citizen Brad Sherman, the current incumbent.
5. Representative Steve Cohen (Tennessee) Cohen has voted against every legislative effort to repeal Obamacare
6. Representative Susan Davis (California) Israeli national Davis voted in favor of the treasonous NDAA 2014
7. Representative Eliot Engel (New York)
8. Representative Bob Filner (California) Filner was succeeded by Juan Vargas in 2012, became mayor of San Diego for one year until he lost the job amid multiple sexual harassment charges and admittiing guilt to false imprisonment and battery.
9. Representative Barney Frank (Massachusetts) ~ No longer in office. Joseph P. Kennedy III replaced Frank.
10. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona) ~ No longer in office, Ron Barber replaced Giffords
11. Representative Alan Grayson (Florida)
12. Representative Jane Harman (California)~ No longer in office. Janice Hahn replaced Harman.
13. Representative Paul Hodes (New Hampshire) Hodes lost his seat to Charles Bass who lost his sea to Ann McLane Kuster (D-pro pharma lobbyist, lawyer) the incumbent
14. Representative Steve Israel (New York) Israeli Steve Israel moved from the 2nd district to the 3rd, where he is the current incumbent. He needs to be reitred to Jerusalem, his homeland,
15. Representative Steve Kagen (Wisconsin) Reid Ribble, took Kagen's seat and is now the incumbent
16. Representative Ronald Klein (Florida) Lois Frankel won Klein's seat and is now the incumbent from Florida's 22nd district. Lois Frankel is also an Israeli dual citizen.
17. Representative Sander Levin (Michigan) (Brother of retiring Israeli national Carl Levin, co-author of NDAA along with Illuminated sellout John McCain)
18. Representative Nita Lowey (New York)
19. Representative Jerry Nadler (New York)
20. Representative Jared Polis (Colorado)
21. Representative Steve Rothman (New Jersey) Bill Pascrell.took Rothman's seat in the 2012 primary on the Israel allegiance issue and is now the incumbent for the 9th district
22. Representative Jan Schakowsky (Illinois)
23, Representative Adam Schiff (California)
24. Representative Allyson Schwartz (Pennsylvania) Israeli national Schwartz is running for governor of Pennsylvania in the 2014 election
25. Representative Brad Sherman (California)
26. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Florida)
27. Representative Henry Waxman (California) Retiring following 2014 election
28. Representative Anthony Weiner (New York) ~ No longer in office. Bob Turner replaced Weiner.
29. Representative John Yarmuth (Kentucky)


Jack Lew – Chief of Staff to the President
David Plouffe – Senior Advisor to the President
Danielle Borrin – Associate Director, Office of Public Engagement; Special Assistant to the Vice Preisdent
Gary Gensler – Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Dan Shapiro – Ambassador to Israel
Gene Sperling – Director National Economic Council
Mary Schapiro – Chairwoman of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Steven Simon – Head of Middle East/North Africa Desk at the National Security Council
Eric Lynn – Middle East Policy Advisor


Rahm Emanuel (2009-2010) Chief of Staff to the President
David Axelrod (2009-2011) Senior Advisor to the President
Elena Kagan (2009-2010) Solicitor General of the United States
Peter Orszag (2009-2010) Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Lawrence Summers (’09-’11) Director National Economic Council
Mona Sutphen (2009-2011) Deputy White House Chief of Staff
James B. Steinberg (’09-’11 ) Deputy Secretary of State
Dennis Ross (2009-2011 ) Special Assistant to the President, Senior Director for the Central Region to the Secretary of State
Ronald Klain (2009-2011) Chief of Staff to the Vice President
Jared Bernstein (2009-2011) Chief Economist and Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President
Susan Sher (2009-2011) Chief of Staff to the First Lady
Lee Feinstein (2009) Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor
Mara Rudman (2009) Foreign Policy Advisor Sources: White House

112 CONGRESS (current)


Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Al Franken (D-MN)
Herb Kohl (D-WI)
Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Joseph Lieberman (Independent-CT)
Carl Levin (D-MI)
Bernard Sanders (Independent-VT)
Charles Schumer (D-NY)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Michael Bennet (D-CO)

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It appears that as dual citizens there are at least 29 members of Congress that are dual citizens of the United States and Israel. Since none of these men and women were born in Israel, how did they achieve their status as Israeli citizens? Was it bestowed upon them with the assurance that they would vote in the best interest of Israel? Anyone in an office of public trust that has dual citizenship can not serve two master simultaneously.

Is there info? On this situation...
You or nobody else can do anything about it, unless you have your own troops, our votes don't mean shit, it's been rigged over 100 years ago

I think it's great! We are very closely connected to the Jewish people through our relationship with our Father in Heaven. Someday we will all be together in Jerusalem!

Being connected with the Jewish people is not the same as being connected with the government of Israel. The government of the United States and the government of Israel\ are both controlled by the International bankers and the Rothschild Family.

I agree, but that doesn't stop me from aligning myself with Israel because the end result will be what God has planned, not the financial kings of the world today!

Folks, it is about time that Americans woke up and realized that America is controlled by Jews, and many with dual citizenship with the US and Israel.  Zionism is the Satanic Master of this nation, Zionism has taken America to perpetual war ever since WWII, which was also caused by Zionist Jews, just as WWI was also caused by the same people.  Have Americans never thought about this, and have they never made a connection with the House of Rothschild and wars going all the way back to the Napoleonic War?

I pray that people come to know through repentance and salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ just who the real Jews are. The Rothschilds are pretend to be Jews and if you are a born again believer, then you have been taught by the Holy Spirit that we and the Jews are now one, so if you are condemning the Jews you are condemning yourself also. God has and will separate believers from non-believers and you need not worry about that! Just take care of yourself, let God do the rest!

I am fully aware that most of those who call themselves Jews today, are actually Khazars, and I also know that true Hebrews are almost extinct.  The main problem is that the Khazars are now recognized as Jews, both by themselves and by most Christians, and that makes for a very dangerous situation, because anytime you speak out about what Israel, a Khazarian Nation State, is doing, you are immediately called an Antisemitic, and are dismissed as not having an understanding of the true history of how these people gained control of the whole world, and how they are setting up a society where there will only be themselves and their slaves left.  These people are Satan Worshipers, and go by the Babylonian Talmud.  

Rene, you are using your own calculations! And that don't work, I don't care who you or anyone else calls your rendition of who a Jew is. It doesn't matter, what does matter is who God calls His Chosen ones and I can't pick and choose!


If this is true, why aren't these facts brought forward during campaign season for these dual citizens? Isn't it obvious that there's a conflict of interest?

It's one thing to be a dual citizen, it's another to hold an office where one might have a question of their allegiance. It ain't right. But that obviously hasn't been important in a great while.

These politicians aren't going to clean up their house, so it's up to us to make wholesale changes and clean up the mess they've created. We need to take back OUR government and kick them all out. Every last one of them, because THEY permitted this behavior to continue within their ranks.


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