Back in 1776 the British Colonists in North America were divided into three classes. There were those that remained loyal to the king. those that remained neutral and those that were willing to pay the price of freedom.
Since 2012, I have dedicated thousands of hours to the Constitution Club website to educate, motivate and inspire those who love principles of liberty to take action to restore our Constitutional Republic.
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For whatever it is worth, I was just notified that a group of Chinese and Russians have just been sent to Kansas to prepare for Martial Law.
Russians have been here for two years in Colorado . Chinese have been here for almost four years out of SF,Ca. , don't know the numbers .
We've been training Brazillians for many years . A secret meeting was held in Idaho two weeks ago and a Congressman friend of mine invited me to go . Three Senators , two Congressman and a host of high ranking Naval officers and one General . Security was intense and when we got there I was not permitted into the meeting but one of several things mentioned was the amount of foreign troops in the U.S. Navy intel is the best we've got and the number of 400 K was thrown around with them dispersed throughout our country and training for civil unrest . That's a ton of people .
In Nam, you were required to obey your leaders. This is a bit different. Our so-called leaders are outrightly engaging in war against the Saints, as well as others. This is a situation where the Lord will guide us through the mess at hand. Society has allowed the wicked to rule because we the People have forgotten our history lessons. The Civil War was permitted because of what society did to the Mormon Pioneers, and government failing to answer the redress of those grievances. The Saints stayed out of the way, while the Lord took care of some of the wrongs that were done to our pioneers. Watch (from a distance) as the Lord allows the wicked to destroy the wicked, because of our lands being taken away from us, and the many murders and Constitutional rights violations we have been made to endure. Are you unaware of the many rights violations that the Mormon Pioneers went through, even after moving to Utah? What about all of the current immorality that this so-called government (actually a corporation) is not only permitting, but in some cases encouraging? There has to be a house cleaning party to cleans the country to permit the Lord to be able to return. Do you not know about that tornado that hit SLC a few years ago? All 3 buildings that were destroyed were homosexual hang-outs, and because of that, there is strong suspicion about the moral character of the guy who was in his pickup, who was killed when the tree fell on it.
Just some thoughts to think about.
Wayne , I study history about our church and study American history and have since I was very young , has always been my hobby and still is .
Did not know however about the tornado so now I know .
You mention the Constitutional rights that we've been made to endure but that isn't correct . It is the denial of those rights that we have allowed , a very different scenario . You and I and the many folks "are" the government . We own this country , not D.C. and especially the British banks who own D.C. It isn't enough to get the Constitution right , it is restoring D.C. , from their reach which means taking the FED and sending it back to them along with the IMF and creating a suit to get our funds back from those bankers who have raped this country since our Constitution was written .
I think I said constitutional rights violations.
I just wish everybody would come to the realization that it is a corporation that is feigning to be a government, and not our REAL Republic that is in control. If one would extract themself from the corporation (as I have done), one would no longer be in the same jurisdiction (the corporation) for cops to have any authority to write tickets. They only have jurisdiction over those who choose to be part of the same corporation that cops work for, or fail to extract themselves from the corporation. Statutes and codes only apply to government employees, not to People in the Republic. If people want to remain as citizens/slaves to the corporation, that is their business, but I get real tired of listening to people complain about their rights being violated, yet they won't wake up and accept the fact that unless you break away from the corporation, you have no rights, only government granted priviledges, which can be denied any time the corporate leaders want to deny them to you. This is nothing personal to you. just my feelings in general. I don't know how many times I have exposed this info, but people still keep complaining about getting their rights violated. As long as one continues to work, contract with, vote in, and continue to be subject to adhesion contracts, you have no rights, just government granted priviledges, and that is the way it will stay, until society wakes up, withdraws from the corporation, and registers with the Republic. If you are interested in claiming your God given rights, one can be protected by registerring with the Republic at, rescinding one's voters registration, reserving your rights on the drivers license, and other places.
Anyone who cares knows what you're saying . You can become sovereign but that doesn't end all . We've had several sovereigns thrown into jail here and one is in prison for 4 years . The bottom line is if they want you they'll get you .
That is true, but let's take a deeper stand. I have been unjustly arrested and convicted 3 times, as well as beaten and tasered for crimes I am not guilty of. Now, I am a witness against their corruption, as Alma and Amulek were, in the Book of Mormon. I am going to be standing as a witness against their corruption. Now that I am aware of my rights, have drafted a Fee Schedule and Personal Affidavit, I have not had so much as a verbal warning, and yes, I have been pulled over. When they find out that I am no longer part of the corporation, and that they do not have authority to write tickets to me, because of me not being in their jurisdiction, they don't do it. I even had one wave at me today, one which I don't even know, but they know me! A friend of mine told me that my documents are posted in the Sheriff's office for all deputies to read! They know I have filed those documents, as I made copies of them after I filed them with the county recorder, and hand delivered those copies to the Logan, Utah Police, Cache County Sheriff's Office, and Utah State Police. They have all been legally/lawfully put on notice that if they violate my rights, they will be involved in a law suit. My documents are posted on this site, and you are free to copy them if you want, which is why I posted them. There now appears to be an element of respect, rather that domination and control. Typical bully mentality-- They only respect people who stand up for themselves. It's your life, your choice!
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