Back in 1776 the British Colonists in North America were divided into three classes. There were those that remained loyal to the king. those that remained neutral and those that were willing to pay the price of freedom.
Since 2012, I have dedicated thousands of hours to the Constitution Club website to educate, motivate and inspire those who love principles of liberty to take action to restore our Constitutional Republic.
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You are free to believe whatever you want, and I know for fact what I observed. I know someone who used to work for FEMA, and he said the government's own statistics are that 70% of the people in prison are there unjustly, without having committed any violence (violent crimes are the only justified reason for people being locked up), primarily because of lies, false accusations, and not knowing how to defend themselves. Believe whatever you want to, but I know for fact what happened to me, and it was totally unjustified. I was not committing a crime of any nature, and I personally witnessed and experienced some very violent criminal conduct from those who are supposed to be protecting our rights. If you have ever seen those u-tube videos of cops beating the daylights out of someone for no reason, that is what I personally experienced from Deputy Schwartzmiller in Snohomish County, Washington. I just wasn't lucky enough to have someone video taping the incident. One of the guys I was in with showed us where 6 cops were tasering him all at once, and laughing about it until their Sergent ordered them to stop it, as he was concerned about a law suit. Notice it was concern about a law suit, not decency and violating his rights. Neither of us were fighting. I personally was standing still, not fighting him. He asked me "Do you want me to shoot you?", I told him "Go ahead", as I wanted him to be guilty of whatever he wanted to do. and justly be held accountable for his desires. So, without any just cause, he tasered me, Angels know it, and he will, not may, be held accountable for it. I am a witness before God and Angels against his conduct. All I was doing was my job, locating phone lines so the power company could replace a power pole in a field. I was falsely accused of trespassing and having fake ID, which I did not, and the Deputy refused to even look at it, after I tried to offer it to him three times. There was no violence on my part whatsoever. He beat and tasered me, simply because he wanted to beat on somebody, and get a brownie point for a promotion and pay raise, in my personal opinion.
dean green said:
First, what do you call a crime? According to the Constitution, common law, which the CIA world fact book states IS our system of law, there is NO crime without a victim. If you don't agree with this basic tenet of human rights than maybe you need to examine you own system of ethics.
Second, your presumption that it is possible for anyone to "never commit another crime in their lives." is simply delusional. It isn't possible to live in this country and NOT commit crimes. Aren't you aware that there are more than 60 million laws in this country? Maybe pick up a copy of "Three Felonies A Day", title self explanatory, and realize the truth about this tyranny called the USA.
According to the facts I stated coupled with your false logic regarding "Some of them, have gotten away with crimes that they weren't charged with, so maybe they are being punished after the fact." then EVERYONE, including you, belongs in prison. Maybe this is the motivation for the USA having a higher percentage of its population in prison than any other country on Earth?
The people in prison who really belong there are the ones running it!
Randall Thaxton said:Having spent 12 years in the Arizona Department of Corrections, I disagree with your assessment that most of the people in prison are not guilty of their crimes. According to all prisoners/convicts they are all innocent. I don't know the circumstances for your conviction or crime, so I won't comment on your situation.
However, from my experience there were very few convicts, who did not deserve to be in prison. About 10 percent of the convicts I worked were first timers, meaning that it was the first time, they had been sent to prison. Some of these, when released, would never commit another crime in their lives. It is possible that some of these were also wrongly convicted. Now the other 90% were convicted upon the evidence of the crime which they committed, some will admit to their crimes, but to hear them talk, they were wrongly convicted. Some, while not sentenced to lengthy sentences, should never be allowed back out on the streets.
So no, I don't agree with your assessments that most of the prisoners that you were in with were wrongly convicted. Some of them, have gotten away with crimes that they weren't charged with, so maybe they are being punished after the fact. It was reported that for every crime most of these people were charged with, there were probably 7 that they weren't charged with. So sometime justice does have a way of being served in the end.
Wayne Bachmann said:I think there are a lot of us who are patriots, who are, for the most part, unknown. The first time I was beaten, tasered, lied about, and sent to jail, fought it for almost two years, and eventually was unjustly convicted, and spent time in jail for crimes I was not guilty of (but the Deputy who beat me was), I think I would be classed as a Patriot for standing up to the criminal, Deputy J. Schwartzmiller of the Snohomish County Sheriff's Department in Everett, Washington, right along with his Prosecuting Attorney and Judge, who was also a prior Prosecuting Attorney. They don't know it yet, but there is going to be a law suit coming their way - when the time is right. I am going to hold them accountable for their criminal conduct toward me. One thing at a time-----, but they are on my list! It will be on the private side, and won't be permitted to make use of bonds paid for with public funds!
While I was serving time for crimes I was not guilty of, I was asking others what they were in for. Most of them were there for the same reason I was: false accusations and lies. I learned that it is all about the money. Roughly $100 per night is what the public gets charged for the beds that are full, and they do their best to keep them full. It is a forced motel system, being run by the Federal Reserve, through the DOJ (Department of Justus/Justice), which is the legal office for the Federal Reserve, with the IRS being their collection agency. I found out that privately owned jails and prisons are the fastest growing business in America, with the governments own statistics bearing out that 70% of inmates being held unjustly, without an act of violence. We don't need more jails and prisons. We do need better accountability in the so-called legal system. Most of them should be the ones behind bars (not BAR's British Accreditation Registry). I met so many people in jail who were there without just cause. It was absolutely disgusting, and the arrogance of some of the guards was also absolutely disgusting. I told them what happened to me and they would say "I don't care", or "We don't care". I only met about 3-4 who cared about what was/is going on, who knew what was really happening, but wouldn't stand up, for the sake of money to feed their families with.
I understand the pain. I had ruptured appendix, no fun! glad it is over. It took me months too.
Sharon N Hansen said:
I have been feeling the same way you all do for some time. I have read what others have said about electing people who have no allegiances to powerful corporations. I was critically ill last year from a post operative infection. I think I had about 24 hours left but the antibiotics finally kicked in. They had to take me to the operating room and cut my abdomen from just under the sternum to my pelvis and essentially hose out the crud in there from the infection. They had to leave my abdomen open to heal from the inside out. I was in the hospital about a month and was extremely confused most of the time. The first week, I have no memory. Anyway, it took 2 more months before I could sort of start working. Once I recovered I contacted the Libertarian party to see about me running for office. I thought God wasn't ready for me yet so I must have something left to do. The only thing I was passionate about was where our country was headed. I told them I wanted to challenge Dick Durbin. He had no one run against him last time. Anyway, today I got the Libertarian nomination to run for the US senate against Dick Durbin. There will be a republican too and I don't know if that person can be trusted so I'm still going to go for it. I think if this is what God had in mind for me, that I will win against all odds. It will take a miracle because the Democrats will stop at nothing to get their people elected. The Libertarians don't have a lot of money to do that so it will be up to me and The Lord. So, I think I'm a patriot. I don't want to do it especially, but I think it's my duty for getting a second chance.
As long as we let them get away with destroying the original 13th amendment we have a very corrupt corporation pretending to be our government. We need to demand in every courtroom that the real 13th amendment be enforced. That gets rid of most of the judges. A lot of patriotic Americans did a lot of work to find out that the original 13th amendment was ratified in 1812, and the proof was printed in law books from eighteen different State legislatures. This video shows the actual ratification document from the State of New Hampshire. This evidence is the end of the BAR and the corruption in the Admiralty courts. We take our country back when we get rid of all the lawyers from England. We actually clean out most of our corrupt do nothing CONgress too.
"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain, any title of nobility or honor, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."
That is the real 13th amendment and if anyone ignores it as a lawyer or judge, they are personally liable and responsible for their actions, due to the Papal Decree of July 11, 2013. This is how we take our country back from the liars from England. I am an oathkeeper, Vietnam war veteran and dedicated to the restoration of our republic. If anyone blathers on about this not being ratified, they are dead wrong. There is substantial proof that is was indeed ratified.
Well Spoken!!
Karl Norman Meyers said:
As long as we let them get away with destroying the original 13th amendment we have a very corrupt corporation pretending to be our government. We need to demand in every courtroom that the real 13th amendment be enforced. That gets rid of most of the judges. A lot of patriotic Americans did a lot of work to find out that the original 13th amendment was ratified in 1812, and the proof was printed in law books from eighteen different State legislatures. This video shows the actual ratification document from the State of New Hampshire. This evidence is the end of the BAR and the corruption in the Admiralty courts. We take our country back when we get rid of all the lawyers from England. We actually clean out most of our corrupt do nothing CONgress too.
"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain, any title of nobility or honor, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."
That is the real 13th amendment and if anyone ignores it as a lawyer or judge, they are personally liable and responsible for their actions, due to the Papal Decree of July 11, 2013. This is how we take our country back from the liars from England. I am an oathkeeper, Vietnam war veteran and dedicated to the restoration of our republic. If anyone blathers on about this not being ratified, they are dead wrong. There is substantial proof that is was indeed ratified.
The ones who will speak out against the 13th are those that have no idea what the rest are all about. The arguments they use are that the Constitution is somehow " outdated". Of course you don't hear much on the 1st amendment they so readily hide behind. If people are so against an amendment then they need to right a new one and have it ratified. It takes 2/3 of the States to do so.
Unless you've faced a do or die situation very few can state with any certainty what they'll do or be able to do . I would bet that there are few here that can sustain themselves for a year or more or have plans , safe houses , stash's etc. Even fewer have others on the same page .
What we will face will be unlike anything you've ever seen in battle or on TV . The Gov't has tools at their disposal that we haven't even heard of because of the type of warfare we'll face . They can shut down cities in hours completely , no water , no electricity , no food and the people of this country can't handle it .
Navy intel says that there are over 400 K foreign nationals in America . This came out last Tuesday and that is a lot of fire power . You cannot wake up one morning get your gun and shoot the bad guys , just doesn't work that way . I don't see a whole lot of hope to be had .
Donnie , There are a ton of Patriots who feel the same . There are many that don't own a weapon and some that have never even fired one but those people have a very important role to play regardless .
We need safe houses , we need intel and those support networks much the same as the military have and one of the reasons I mentioned having others on the same page otherwise we lose , period .
I don't discount any Patriot and hope you didn't take it that way , if so I apologize . But it is paramount for anything to work that people are plugged into a game plan so to speak .
I rather feel naked having been in combat years ago and things have taken a dramatic change since then with weapons few understand or know about . Without a plan we lose , that I'm confident in .
Donnie , I'm fortunate in the fact that per capita we have one of the largest group of Vets in the country and in another respect it is a tough road to get them on the same page . Most want to be left alone and are the lone wolf types , the opposite of what we need . I understand what they're feeling because I feel a lot like that myself but have come out of my shell these last few years because of necessity .
I never ever wanted another AR in my hands but now have one with more ammo than I could ever use but others can if need be . I had twin 60's in Nam and wish I had them now .
I live in the country and have few neighbors but we've formed an alliance with another group just in case something happens . I don't think anyone of us knows what will happen but more than likely it ain't gonna be good and being prepared is all we can do and pray that life will get better for all .
I am also a Vet, from both the Army and the Air Force. And I' too, have sentiments of just to be left alone, and am only involved in speaking out, due to the need. I hate politics, base meaning being; poly- many, tics- blood suckers, and that is exactly what we have. When one of my uncles died, one of the politicians from Oregon showed up and said: "Here lies Oregon's last statesman. All we have left now are politicians." When I was a kid, three times he asked me; "What are you going to do for your country?" It drilled the thought deep in me, and has been a compass for my life. We should all have an uncle to do that for the younger generation.
On another light, Gordon B. Hinckley said at world wide General Conference for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, immediately following Sept. 11, 2001, that "Guns and ammunition will not get you through this. It is repentance and obedience." This is the "House cleaning party to cleanse the earth for the second coming. Everybody has their agency to make their own choices as to what they want to do, but guns and ammunition will not get you through this upcoming event. If you live by the sword, you shall die by the sword. Get prepared, but be peaceful.
As a member of LDS I agree with what you said but violence begets violence and been in it before and succeeded with guns and ammo .
Maybe it won't work again but it won't be for the lack of trying should it come to that . Turning the other cheek only go's so far and I sold my cloak to get that sword a while back . If we were to have forsaken that sword with the British we'd be speaking a different accent or later with a German or Japanese language .
This is my Country and I will defend it to the best of my ability with whatever means possible to me and honor my OATH .
What you say is true, but that was a different situation. When the Prophet speaks, one might want to heed the warning. With this battle, the Lord has spoken: "The wicked shall destroy the wicked." I believe that is in D&C. As I understand it, there may be a resurrection of the battalion, but I have no proof of it, only hearsay from a couple of individuals. There will be an incidence or two that will require our involvement, but only because the Chinese troops will be seeking us out, and we do have a right to defend ourselves, but we are not to go out looking for trouble, unless you want to become part of the wicked that destroys and gets destroyed. Also, keep in mind that anyone who sheds blood will not be permitted to go to Jackson County, to help build the New Jerusalem. The old Jerusalem is almost ready to be rebuilt. Do you want to miss out on the fun? Keep a cool head, and let the Lord be in control of who gets taken out, and who remains. If you jump when you shouldn't, you may miss out on some very important events!
If you have read my posts never do I speak of starting anything .That is not my style in life .
It will not be the Chinese that 'we'll have to fight , it will more than likely be the U.N. with some of our military . It isn't who we fight , it is upholding my OATH to the Constitution as imperfect as it is now .
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