Back in 1776 the British Colonists in North America were divided into three classes. There were those that remained loyal to the king. those that remained neutral and those that were willing to pay the price of freedom.
Since 2012, I have dedicated thousands of hours to the Constitution Club website to educate, motivate and inspire those who love principles of liberty to take action to restore our Constitutional Republic.
For the past seven years ago, I have dedicated over ten thousands of hours in an effort to educate, motivate and inspire the 4,000 plus members of the website to become actively engaged in the effort to restore our Constitutional Republic.
Thomas Paine referred to the timid as summer soldiers and the sunshine patriots. Roll up your sleeves and take an active role in helping to restore our republic
Use the website to educate yourself and your friends, neighbors and countrymen on the principles of liberty and the Constitution.
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Today, Americans collectively pay trillions of dollars to support a tyrannical government, but virtually nothing to pay for the defense of our liberty and the Constitution. Please invite your friends and neighbors to join the Constitution Club and ask them to do the same.
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I don't stand up to them in that sense anymore either. I don;t have to. Now that I know that the lawful system is not the same as the legal system, and that the lawful system is supreme to the legal system, and trumps the legal system, I use the law to defeat them!! If you are interested in such matters, stay connected with this site, but also include,,, and there are a host of others, but these are the ones I am loyal to. They have really helped me to learn how to use the law against the corporate legal fictions!
Timing is everything
Choose your fights with care
Watch and observe the enemy
Some day soon the momentum will deliver the time to stand for freedom
I understand how you feel but I always stand up to the police and have never been beaten, tazered, etc. The fact that I know where all of them live and make it known to them might have something to do with it. Also I speak with knowledge and confidence when I explain that they are all career criminals and oath breakers.
I ask them three questions:
1. If you break the law and claim you didn't know it was the law, are you still guilty for breaking the law?
2. If you don't understand the law how do you find out what it means?
3. If, as a government employee or agent, you are ordered to break the law, who do you obey, the courts that explain the law or your boss who ordered you?
Introducing one of the many commonly violated, by police, court rulings now proves without doubt that they are career criminals, oath breakers, and belong in prison or worse.
I also spend many hours in court exposing them for what they are through, evidence, motions, and testimony when I have need to. They now avoid me and give me "warnings" if they do stop me.
Police are the lowest form of life on Earth. The criminal does not swear an oath to God to uphold the law knowing they will violate it daily/hourly, before they swear that oath. The criminal does not ENFORCE laws on others that they violate themselves and turn a blind eye and deaf ear toward their buddies and members of their cabal. They are destroying this society through their selective enforcement and anti-Constitutional enforcement.
Police are the enemy!
Sic semper tyrannis!
Scot Wells said:
I don't stand up to the police because I don't want to be tasered,pepper sprayed or worse.
dean green said:Why does anyone have reason to be a coward? Is it because they know if they don't submit to the governments arbitrary, capricious, and tyrannical will they will be harassed, fined, imprisoned, or killed? Is it because they know, at least subconsciously, that government is the power to kill?
All laws are enforced with guns and with over 60 million "laws" in this country that is reason to be in fear. It is the person that believes in rule of law and knows and upholds the basic principles of law and rightly ignores the usurpations of law that is a true patriot.
But one cannot be a true patriot if they are not prepared to deal with the ultimate result of defying one or more laws. All laws are enforced with guns by the henchmen of the tyrants.
Do you claim you are not a coward but are unwilling to stand up to the guns sent by the tyrants? If you are not willing to stand up to the modern version of King George's Redcoats, the police, then you are, for all intents and purposes, a coward. Without the police enforcer, order follower, there is no reason to fear or be apprehensive in any way of the government or its political class.
Are there enemies of freedom in our country? I believe there are. And none more malicious and responsible for the destruction of our country and freedoms than the ones that undermine the law with their selective,seditious, and insurrection activities perpetrated daily by the tens or hundreds of thousands.
The loyalists of today are merely cowards pretending they agree with the tyrants because they have already consummated their cowardice and are attempting to conceal it and deceive others into believing that they are not cowards. An example of this are those that argue that income tax is lawful but cannot produce the law to substantiate their claim, because such a law does not, and cannot, exist. They continue to insist that it is the law because if you don't submit then police will come and get you. The cowards argument!
Many have said that in order to solve a problem one must first know, and admit, what the problem is. I submit that it is police that are the immediate problem that needs addressing. A proper application of the 2nd amendment seems to be the only reasonable solution to this tyranny.
Tyrants don't give up power willingly.
I am aware, or member of, those orgs you listed.
This country is not ruled by law. If it were then everyone would know examples of common people triumphing over evil. I know of only a couple rare, and minor, victories people have had. Tyrants run the system and refuse to deal justice. It is that simple. It does not matter what tactic is used they REFUSE to allow you to have justice. It's just that simple.
If you have ACTUAL examples to site I am open minded and yearning to learn how. I have only met people with a pollyanna hopefulness that justice is available and insist that one can, BUT the examples are extremely rare and insignificant.
Obtaining a judgement for your neighbors money through the government is one thing, and rare, but prison time for crimes under color of authority is near impossible!
Until "losing their job" is the same mere side effect of doing prison time as the common man suffers then there won't be justice, "just us" !
Wayne Bachmann said:
I don't stand up to them in that sense anymore either. I don;t have to. Now that I know that the lawful system is not the same as the legal system, and that the lawful system is supreme to the legal system, and trumps the legal system, I use the law to defeat them!! If you are interested in such matters, stay connected with this site, but also include,,, and there are a host of others, but these are the ones I am loyal to. They have really helped me to learn how to use the law against the corporate legal fictions!
Impeachment would be a start, but you can't stop with Obama. You must remove ALL of those elected and call DC home. Obama gets impeached then we have the idiot Biden as president, you must impeach and remove all the idiots of DC.
Dan W Rykard said:
I am a Patriot I believe in the God given rights of my country and the Constitution, and will do what I have too to defend those rights.
Obama care is unconstitutional and all the scandals he has been involved in should be grounds of impeachment.
If the GOP does not do what the people asked them too in the town hall meetings while on break I pray that there will be enough good God fearing men or women that will what to run for office in 2014.because there should be a cleaning of those that went against the people.
We are starting to win some cases, but mostly in California, as I understand. I win my cases nowadays before it ever goes to court, defending myself against their tyranny, BEFORE it goes to court. I have not had a warning since I have found out what is going on. I recently filed papers with the Cache County Recorders Office, and carry copies of those recorded documents with me everywhere I go, and have given copies of the filed documents to the Logan, Utah Police, and Cache County Sheriff's Dept, as well as State Police, just for the benefit of the cops who have it in mind to violate my rights. They pull me over, but they don't even give me warnings, not even verbal ones. Since I am not a citizen of the corporate UNITED STATES anymore, I have removed myself from their jurisdiction. You have to understand the importance of "jurisdiction" to be able to do this, and it looks like you are well enough educated to be there.
dean green said:
I am aware, or member of, those orgs you listed.
This country is not ruled by law. If it were then everyone would know examples of common people triumphing over evil. I know of only a couple rare, and minor, victories people have had. Tyrants run the system and refuse to deal justice. It is that simple. It does not matter what tactic is used they REFUSE to allow you to have justice. It's just that simple.
If you have ACTUAL examples to site I am open minded and yearning to learn how. I have only met people with a pollyanna hopefulness that justice is available and insist that one can, BUT the examples are extremely rare and insignificant.
Obtaining a judgement for your neighbors money through the government is one thing, and rare, but prison time for crimes under color of authority is near impossible!
Until "losing their job" is the same mere side effect of doing prison time as the common man suffers then there won't be justice, "just us" !
Wayne Bachmann said:I don't stand up to them in that sense anymore either. I don;t have to. Now that I know that the lawful system is not the same as the legal system, and that the lawful system is supreme to the legal system, and trumps the legal system, I use the law to defeat them!! If you are interested in such matters, stay connected with this site, but also include,,, and there are a host of others, but these are the ones I am loyal to. They have really helped me to learn how to use the law against the corporate legal fictions!
John, it is far easier to remove yourself from the corporation. Realize there are two governments in the country now, and you have your choice which one you want to support. You are on dangerous territory fighting the corporation, and it is much easier to simply remove yourself from the corporate corruption, and align yourself with the true Republic. Let the corporation collapse from its own corruption, don't fight them., get registered and remove yourself from their jurisdiction.
Having spent 12 years in the Arizona Department of Corrections, I disagree with your assessment that most of the people in prison are not guilty of their crimes. According to all prisoners/convicts they are all innocent. I don't know the circumstances for your conviction or crime, so I won't comment on your situation.
However, from my experience there were very few convicts, who did not deserve to be in prison. About 10 percent of the convicts I worked were first timers, meaning that it was the first time, they had been sent to prison. Some of these, when released, would never commit another crime in their lives. It is possible that some of these were also wrongly convicted. Now the other 90% were convicted upon the evidence of the crime which they committed, some will admit to their crimes, but to hear them talk, they were wrongly convicted. Some, while not sentenced to lengthy sentences, should never be allowed back out on the streets.
So no, I don't agree with your assessments that most of the prisoners that you were in with were wrongly convicted. Some of them, have gotten away with crimes that they weren't charged with, so maybe they are being punished after the fact. It was reported that for every crime most of these people were charged with, there were probably 7 that they weren't charged with. So sometime justice does have a way of being served in the end.
Wayne Bachmann said:
I think there are a lot of us who are patriots, who are, for the most part, unknown. The first time I was beaten, tasered, lied about, and sent to jail, fought it for almost two years, and eventually was unjustly convicted, and spent time in jail for crimes I was not guilty of (but the Deputy who beat me was), I think I would be classed as a Patriot for standing up to the criminal, Deputy J. Schwartzmiller of the Snohomish County Sheriff's Department in Everett, Washington, right along with his Prosecuting Attorney and Judge, who was also a prior Prosecuting Attorney. They don't know it yet, but there is going to be a law suit coming their way - when the time is right. I am going to hold them accountable for their criminal conduct toward me. One thing at a time-----, but they are on my list! It will be on the private side, and won't be permitted to make use of bonds paid for with public funds!
While I was serving time for crimes I was not guilty of, I was asking others what they were in for. Most of them were there for the same reason I was: false accusations and lies. I learned that it is all about the money. Roughly $100 per night is what the public gets charged for the beds that are full, and they do their best to keep them full. It is a forced motel system, being run by the Federal Reserve, through the DOJ (Department of Justus/Justice), which is the legal office for the Federal Reserve, with the IRS being their collection agency. I found out that privately owned jails and prisons are the fastest growing business in America, with the governments own statistics bearing out that 70% of inmates being held unjustly, without an act of violence. We don't need more jails and prisons. We do need better accountability in the so-called legal system. Most of them should be the ones behind bars (not BAR's British Accreditation Registry). I met so many people in jail who were there without just cause. It was absolutely disgusting, and the arrogance of some of the guards was also absolutely disgusting. I told them what happened to me and they would say "I don't care", or "We don't care". I only met about 3-4 who cared about what was/is going on, who knew what was really happening, but wouldn't stand up, for the sake of money to feed their families with.
I think that maybe the definition of "patriot" being used in your post is of the dubious sort. They were more chauvinists, in the actual definition, rather than patriots. A allegiance to truth and my own people is my functioning definition for patriotism, not a blind loyalty to a flag, government, or land mass.
Keith Broaders said:
First, what do you call a crime? According to the Constitution, common law, which the CIA world fact book states IS our system of law, there is NO crime without a victim. If you don't agree with this basic tenet of human rights than maybe you need to examine you own system of ethics.
Second, your presumption that it is possible for anyone to "never commit another crime in their lives." is simply delusional. It isn't possible to live in this country and NOT commit crimes. Aren't you aware that there are more than 60 million laws in this country? Maybe pick up a copy of "Three Felonies A Day", title self explanatory, and realize the truth about this tyranny called the USA.
According to the facts I stated coupled with your false logic regarding "Some of them, have gotten away with crimes that they weren't charged with, so maybe they are being punished after the fact." then EVERYONE, including you, belongs in prison. Maybe this is the motivation for the USA having a higher percentage of its population in prison than any other country on Earth?
The people in prison who really belong there are the ones running it!
Randall Thaxton said:
Having spent 12 years in the Arizona Department of Corrections, I disagree with your assessment that most of the people in prison are not guilty of their crimes. According to all prisoners/convicts they are all innocent. I don't know the circumstances for your conviction or crime, so I won't comment on your situation.
However, from my experience there were very few convicts, who did not deserve to be in prison. About 10 percent of the convicts I worked were first timers, meaning that it was the first time, they had been sent to prison. Some of these, when released, would never commit another crime in their lives. It is possible that some of these were also wrongly convicted. Now the other 90% were convicted upon the evidence of the crime which they committed, some will admit to their crimes, but to hear them talk, they were wrongly convicted. Some, while not sentenced to lengthy sentences, should never be allowed back out on the streets.
So no, I don't agree with your assessments that most of the prisoners that you were in with were wrongly convicted. Some of them, have gotten away with crimes that they weren't charged with, so maybe they are being punished after the fact. It was reported that for every crime most of these people were charged with, there were probably 7 that they weren't charged with. So sometime justice does have a way of being served in the end.
Wayne Bachmann said:I think there are a lot of us who are patriots, who are, for the most part, unknown. The first time I was beaten, tasered, lied about, and sent to jail, fought it for almost two years, and eventually was unjustly convicted, and spent time in jail for crimes I was not guilty of (but the Deputy who beat me was), I think I would be classed as a Patriot for standing up to the criminal, Deputy J. Schwartzmiller of the Snohomish County Sheriff's Department in Everett, Washington, right along with his Prosecuting Attorney and Judge, who was also a prior Prosecuting Attorney. They don't know it yet, but there is going to be a law suit coming their way - when the time is right. I am going to hold them accountable for their criminal conduct toward me. One thing at a time-----, but they are on my list! It will be on the private side, and won't be permitted to make use of bonds paid for with public funds!
While I was serving time for crimes I was not guilty of, I was asking others what they were in for. Most of them were there for the same reason I was: false accusations and lies. I learned that it is all about the money. Roughly $100 per night is what the public gets charged for the beds that are full, and they do their best to keep them full. It is a forced motel system, being run by the Federal Reserve, through the DOJ (Department of Justus/Justice), which is the legal office for the Federal Reserve, with the IRS being their collection agency. I found out that privately owned jails and prisons are the fastest growing business in America, with the governments own statistics bearing out that 70% of inmates being held unjustly, without an act of violence. We don't need more jails and prisons. We do need better accountability in the so-called legal system. Most of them should be the ones behind bars (not BAR's British Accreditation Registry). I met so many people in jail who were there without just cause. It was absolutely disgusting, and the arrogance of some of the guards was also absolutely disgusting. I told them what happened to me and they would say "I don't care", or "We don't care". I only met about 3-4 who cared about what was/is going on, who knew what was really happening, but wouldn't stand up, for the sake of money to feed their families with.
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