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If a Senator or Representative votes in favor of legislation that violates provisions of the Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights, has that individual committed a crime and should they be punished or removed from office?

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Gregory, there was once pointed out in my youth a 'constituency' called 'The Silent Majority'. I'm thoroughly convinced they do exist ... quietly observing, learning and preparing for the opportune juncture when they'll remain silent ... no more.

"Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable" --Declaration of Independence

Pat, I have very limited legal expertise, but I do have marketing experience, and have to disagree with you on the 'silent majority'. I believe the silent majority was and is a tool used by people or causes with no substantial support to create the illusion of support. I see it used quite often, and it seems to work, but only temporarily and then the pendulum swings. If there is a silent majority, they express themselves very clearly through voter fraud, and that voice gets louder with every election. See you May 16 in DC.

If I'm going to make that event in May, I'll need a ride ... do you live in Philadelphia city, Terry?

If the reason for silence is due to hedonistic activity they will not join in until their lives are threatened and then it may be impossible.

Don't misunderstand. We need an accurate read on how many will stand up to the evil upon us.

H.Gregory, you are right there, and as you say the darkness came in attacking the Light by saying many time "I thought you were Christian are you not suppose to turn the other cheek" this is used many time to attack the church. So satan has used the very words in the bible to attack it from with in. When people in the church can turn there backs on little children to be killed like in the time of bale, and we can let our family's down were parents are having relationships out side of marriage, setting up there own children for failure in their relationships only falling away from things that matter. When a person say morals, other laugh and mock those that do. Things are so bad a Governor in this country naming New York gets up in a speech and says that people living in that state that believes it's wrong, and speak out against same sex marriage or abortion, should leave that state because their not wanted, is pushing their own tax base out of the state, because most of the one that do not support these thing are the working conservatives. This is truly the blind leading the blind. And yet no one speaks out. It is getting closer and closer to the time of Lott. There are shots of film were gays are marching in the streets having sex with each other, with children in the back ground with parents. I have got to ask myself how can any parent that love their children let them to be exposed to this trash. We are living in those times Jesus spoke about.

Pat, just caught up with your post to Michael--fifth paragraph: "bright spot" really caught my attention. I'd like you to expand on the subject of 'expatriating' and the process of 'setting Documentation into the Public Record'...redefining themselves as state citizens. What are the positives and negatives of such redefinition?

Terry, I had Drafted, Noticed and Filed my documents more than a decade ago, so I'm a little rusty on the details I'd researched to get them into the Record (the local one necessitated threat to sue the Prothonotary), but the upshot is that all nexus to government 'benefit' or 'immunity' derived from any statutory source has to be irrevocably annulled by a formally presented means. In addition, the principal government officers concerned with these declarations, need to be certifiably Noticed in writing ... such as the State and Federal Secretaries of State, Postmaster General, Director of IRS, etc., etc..

The level of serious interest hasn't yet compelled me to copy and publish the collection I'd assembled yet, but I may just do that by Spring.

Pat, from this, I take it you have done this for yourself, and it is an arduous process? It also requires you to irrevocably exempt yourself from any federal 'benefits': Medicare, Social Security, VA, etc. for which you have paid and are duly entitled? On the other side, the federal government would no longer have any jurisdiction over you? And you could no longer vote in a national election?

Could be an easy choice. Thanks.

None of that Socialist (false) Security, Medicare or the rest of it is ... paid for. All the so-called 'payments' and 'contributions' are taxes on people's CLAIMS to the benefits. As I explained elsewhere, banknotes are NOT MONEY. They're evidence of having been approved for access to Credit of the United States Treasury.

"A person covered by the Social Security Act has not such a right in old-age benefit payments as would make every defeasance of "accrued" interests violative of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment. The noncontractual interest of an employee covered by the Act cannot be soundly analogized to that of the holder of an annuity, whose right to benefits are based on his contractual premium payments. To engraft upon the Social Security System a concept of "accrued property rights" would deprive it of the flexibility and boldness in adjustment to ever-changing conditions"  --Flemming v. Nestor - 363 U.S. 603 (1960)

Pat, yeah, I know, but let me retain at least one of my illusions. I have so little else left to believe in.

Bureaucratic fraud is so pervasive in every body of our government; it is a terminal cancer whose only remedy is an informed electorate or the blood of patriots. We are at that point, and our very existence lies in our commitment to prevail.

True enough...

I have expatriated also. There are pros and cons. You don't have to pay, but you get paid either. Exception is if your employer withholds $ for government, he/she will likely keep giving a share of your $ to government and government will not return it. You can vote in elections, BUT as soon as you sign the form to register to vote you just signed a contract and agreed that you are a "US citizen" or "US person" (both of which puts you back in the Federal Zone and out of being a state national).


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