If a Senator or Representative votes in favor of legislation that violates provisions of the Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights, has that individual committed a crime and should they be punished or removed from office?
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An all-too-common patriot myth that that one can remove oneself from being subject to U.S. laws by "expatriating" without also leaving the territorial bounds of the U.S. Wrong. U.S. laws apply to anyone on its territory, regardless of citizenship.
Jon, what's with this too frequently repeated 'patriot myth' phrase? It seems that each time anyone attempts to explain an avenue toward Liberty and re-capture of Sovereign empowerment from government, you label it 'patriot myth' and proceed to willfully denigrate it, even at risk of embarrassment through obviousness of unsubstantiated persistent intent. You simply declare it 'nonsense or 'patriot myth' and continue on as that declaration stands on some sort of self-evident ground, all upon your sheer assertion.
Since most of these subjects have already been intensively propagandized by government and its Barristocracy to fall into the mis-characterizations you appear intent to perpetuate, I find it, well, curious at best. With most folks, expressions of surprise or dissonance are natural if the material presented seems novel or inconsistent with the historic record, so probative questioning generally follows. Not so in your case, Jon. Your habit is to attack for a clear purpose of influencing readers into a Pavlovian pre-conditioned stance of automatic dismissal.
So, again ... what's with that?
Congratulations, Joe. Everything has its 'pros and cons', but Liberty is certainly worth its relatively small cost.
The more you thirst for ever more Liberty than already won, the more aware you'll grow to recognize opportunities toward that end ... always a tiny bit beyond grasp.
Did you know Germany asked our FR to ship the gold it has been holding back to Germany and it cannot?
That's an area of interest I follow closely, Gregory ... so, yeah, it's a joke. The Fed LONG AGO , hypothecated. leased out or sold Germany's Property and simply CAN'T return it or their 'fractional reserve' commodities scam would implode in an instant. The level of physical silver to derivatives sold is over 100 to 1. So, merely one percent demand to take delivery will crash the whole 'house of paper'.
I'm interested in having a conversation about this. See my friend request. I want to introduce you to a brilliant financial mind who writes about these things.
Nonsense. In law cApItAlIZaTiOn SiGnIFiEs NoThInG. Patriot bullshit. There is a problem but that it not it.
Jon, sounds like 'sovereign citizen' distraction to me. I admit I don't know much about it (SC-although I've tried to find information) but I think it simply deflects from the issue and effort at hand. From your perspective, I understand the United States of American has been a corporation (in the legal sense?) since its founding. If that's the case, why would there be two Constitutions?
More nonsense. There are not "two constitutions" of government in that sense. A constitution is its meanings. A translation of a constitution into a different language is the same constitution.
There is another sense in which there can be said to be more than one constitution. See http://constitution.org/soclcont.htm . But that is different.
You are never going to get anywhere but jail with mythcrap. If there's no support for some idea at constitution.org chances are it's crap.
Jon, thanks. I'll look up your reference. I'm just trying to separate the wheat from the chaff. Without Truth, we are unarmed.
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