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We don't need to amend the Constitution. The Constitution which was written to govern the government has become and instrument in the hands of greedy bankers, corrupt lawyers and dishonest politicians. -

According to the Declaration of Independence, governments "derive their just powers from the consent of the governed." When a government become destructive to our lives, liberty and property, it is our right and our duty to alter or abolish that government.

If you believe our government has violated the Constitution and no longer serves the best interests of the American people it is our duty to alter or abolish it.

Like a cancerous tumor our country is in serious trouble. To survive we create a new government that will be accountable to the people.

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I agree one hundred percent. It's high time we take our country back.

Couldn't have said it better.

The issue and challenge before us is whether or not enough patriots are willing to unite or resign ourselves to hanging separately. 

At the appropriate time--which I believe draws near--we must all dig our heels in and be willing to protect the backs of our compatriots. 

We must turn in our Driver's Licenses, our Voter Registration Cards and refuse to pay for permits and/or licenses.

We must stop filing forms with the IRS and refuse to pay unconstitutional taxes to this private corporation.

I agree wholeheartedly.  That's what Ammon Bundy were doing in Oregon and Cliven Bundy in Nevada.  God bless them!  

But what do we do about the fact that it seems like there aren't enough of us in any geographical area to be successful? Maybe some of us will just have to be martyrs.

I pray for the Bundys, Finicums, Hammonds, and others because of their courage.

That's the crux of the challenge, Jilene. Like I alluded to above, we either hang together or we hang separately. The Founders understood that. 

We MUST unite as one, but like any mass movement someone will need to take the lead to organize and focus our efforts. There is no other way. It's either more idle talk and bombast, or it's for real.

No One True Leader need come forward Jim, 

  1. That makes it too easy for the enemy to cut off one head and there goes the movement.
  2. There are way too many things to fix and tasks to do for One Leader to organize, we need a multi-faceted approach to our problem.
  3. We already have a leader; God.

You're right about one thing though Jim, "We must all hang (STAND) together or we will assuredly HANG apart." - Ben Franklin

Organizing is utterly impossible without leadership--local, regional and national. 

I agree without hesitation, but ONE leader cannot do it. We need all of the present leaders to start Skype-ing ASAP! That's what I'm talkin' about. From We The People and Family Guardian to The Convention of states and the CSPOA, we need to ALL be HERE! 

Right here at The Club. There's enough room on this ship to house the whole thing AND get it off the ground, complete with full sets of training videos thanks to our new videographer.

This is a Fighter Jet and we're currently only using it like a 1909 Model T.

Sign everything "I reserve my rights Without Prejudice UCC1-308" and know what it means

Better yet Bill,

Don't sign ANYTHING! Your signature is only required to make agreements/contracts. There is no other use for it. Just don't sign your name and you won't make an agreement in the first place.

When "they" say "You have to" blah, blah, blah...You say, "No thank you". I have a right to blah, blah, blah. I was born with this right which is reinforced in the Constitution and supported by natural Law and the freedom to believe in a higher power than man. Have you heard of the First Amendment?

You see, the ONLY answer that could work IN ONE DAY? Could work TOMORROW?


Stop doing what "THEY" say!

Instead, realize this.

Revolution doesn’t have to come from a Ballot or even a Bullet. It can come from your butt. It’s as easy as Just Saying No!

  1. No to the Banks.
  2. No to the SSA.
  3. No to the “Strawman” tricks.
  4. No to the “Mortgage” banking industry
  5. No to their cadre of insurance companies
  6. No to all 20,000 gun laws, every one of them a Second Amendment violation
  7. No to the IRS and being “Forced under penalty of perjury” to sign your name.
  8. No to the DMV and their “license”. And while we’re at it;
  9. No to ALL “licenses”! Period! Exception? Airplane pilots and other commercial “Drivers”.
  10. No to the “Code” enforcer. I know how to build. (BTW, The Amish don’t ask the “code enforcer” for “permission” to raise a barn; why do I have to?)
  11. No to forced “registration” of YOUR car. It’s YOUR CAR! It is not a commercial “vehicle”.
  12. No to “mandated” “public” “education”. Government schools are nothing more than an old subversive Prussian tactic, used to “brainwash” vulnerable and impressionable children before they can reason for themselves. Mind-numbed robots are easier to fool.
  13. No to people who say to you, “You have to” - This or that.
  14. No to ALL of the laws that are not only not laws, but are your responsibility to disobey. We the People decide what is “Constitutional” or not.
  15. No to EVERY SINGLE ENCUBENT running for re-election.
  16. No to the “Zip Code”. It’s a flim-flam, a ruse, a fraud.
  17. No to using your SSN. It a fraud, a ruse, a flim-flam.
  18. No to surprise, “traffic” roadblocks. They’re unconstitutional. Period.
  19. No to ALL other violations of our rights. Period!


Is that enough or do we need to go on?

My point is;

Pull your “butt” out of the game.

  1. Pull your kids out of “public school”.
  2. Take your money out of the “bank”.
  3. STOP! Using your SSN. It’s not even yours.
  4. Stop eating “Junk” food.
  5. Get OFF of those Pharmaceuticals and seek natural healing instead.
  6. Stop believing everything “they” say.
  7. Stop voting. Period!
  8. Rescind: Your Voter's Registration, your "vehicle" registration, your "school" registration, your gun registration, your business registration and any other "registration" you have unwittingly agreed to without your express consent.
  9. Stop watching the “Boob Tube”.
  10. Put down that extra plate of processed food and grow a garden.
  11. Get off your butt and walk somewhere instead of taking your car.
  12. Recycle, re-purpose, re-use, everything you can.
  13. Compost if you can. Move to the country if you can’t. There’s a ton of space out there.
  14. Make a deal with your neighbor instead of the “Code” guy.
  15. Barter and trade, use real gold and silver to trade value for value when needed.
  16. Refuse to accept their terms anymore! We are the People! “They” work by our pleasure and with the “privileges” we give them. Period!

All of this solid, but ALL of us must come together as one.  The powers-to-be can't arrest 50, 000,000  people if we're united.


In My little Ca. town the government says I'm too negative because I had concerns about a new Blood Red Commercial Truck with a Islam warrior logo painted and posted on the side.
When I brought the picture up with my views the Government said I'm too negative.
They say that the truck driver has freedom of speech.

I just hung up on their BS. I took the picture of the blood red truck's logo and told many in my small town that if this government could send several kids home from school for wearing American old glory flags to school and call it May 05 FLAG BAN DAY, WHY CAN'T WE THE PEOPLE BAN THE USE OF OUR HIGHWAYS FROM COMMERCIAL TRUCKS WITH MUSLIM WARRIOR LOGOS WITH HIGH POWERED WEAPONS AND SPEAR LOGOS?

I'm disgusted!
How do you get due process under Satan and Allah or the many dark forces in this country respectfully?

One Country!
One Flag!
Under God!


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