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As long as the money from wealthy individuals and corporations is used to elect dishonest poluticians we will contunue to be exploited by the gangsters we elect.

I suggest we identify the top 10 Constitutional scholars in each of the 67 counties in Florida and put their names in a hat and draw the name of county's next representative in the state legislature. This would guarantee that every county would be eqyally represented.

If all of the candidates were equally qualified it really wouldn't matter which candidate was chosen.

This system would eliminate political parties and would take the corrupting influence of money out of politics.  Being represented by 67 Constitutional Scholars rather than120 career politicians.

The current political system was created by the financial elite to control oir lives, liberty and property. The system serves the financial elite at the expense of Floridians. Currently the members of the Florida State House of Representatives are not the most knowledgeable or honorable men and women in their respective districts. They are simply potential millionaires hired by billionaires to keep us penniless. Politicians masquerade as public servants while they collectively pick our pockets for their own benefit and the bankers they represent.

As long as money is needed to fund elections, only the financial elite and their agents will have the opportunity to be elected. By selecting the best candidates in each District based on their Constitu tional knowledge rather than on how much money they have to promote their candidacy.


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To be trusted elections must be simple, simplicity is through transparency ...say each community sets up an election account (temporary or permanent is tbd) for each eligible individual. During elections only the individual sees and confirms his or her vote, after election it's public (again temporary or permanent is tbd) ...also, We The People rule 24/7 so elections should be an ongoing thing (e.g. job performance green, red or yellow), say used for polling as a barometer for necessity of elections between general elections.

All of these are excellent; too bad we cannot get a vast majority in each state interested and move forward with this; heck, in WY you cannot even get former candidates interested in bringing the laws of the Constitution in WY back to life!!!!

Thanks Andee, a country's direction is like a ship in motion, the bigger it is the longer it takes to change its momentum.

Fantastic idea!  How can we make it happen?

I have written here, a few times; what must happen, and this Club ignores me, guess it is because I am old, is this:  we have to communicate with other groups and get them involved with this Club even if it means they join here but continue to work toward this  goal under another club or organization!  Too, we need to support others that have excellent ideas such as John Smaldone's God and Country Petition; we need to help him get those signatures!  He does not ever ask for money, never, never, he has made the phone calls and contacts to get it introduced into the right area of the two Houses, why can't we take a moment and simply sign on to support it; you can find it on Yahoo search quite easily.  Together we can win, divided we fall and as for me, I am darn tired of falling.

I agree that the small differences between parties who post on this and other websites that have dialogs (blogs or what ever you want to call them) on what is basically a bulletin board community for sharing thoughts and solutions or suggestions. We, as Americans, should pull together and share each others web site addresses to encourage a sense of unity so we can hook up in 2016 when we're really going to have a chance to repair what has been done very badly. All four Boards have so much in common and basically have nothing to loose to each other, as when people hook up on shared politics after a while you get comfortable in that group and hang in there.

Here's a couple of easy searches:

National Liberty Alliance

Fully Informed Jury Association


And about a zillion more then that insignificant example I just mentioned,.. please note I did n't post their web addresses, you can do that your self easily enough. But all three and this board too all have the same goal, and that is to return much of the power the FED has staked out for it's own good and yet excludes the States of their rights, that isn't a sound Union of the Several States to begin with is it? A house divided type of thing. If this Country continues to let Government growth to continue out of our, by that I mean the People's control, then we will all end up working for the Government, and that my friends is Communism. 


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