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As long as the money from wealthy individuals and corporations is used to elect dishonest poluticians we will contunue to be exploited by the gangsters we elect.

I suggest we identify the top 10 Constitutional scholars in each of the 67 counties in Florida and put their names in a hat and draw the name of county's next representative in the state legislature. This would guarantee that every county would be eqyally represented.

If all of the candidates were equally qualified it really wouldn't matter which candidate was chosen.

This system would eliminate political parties and would take the corrupting influence of money out of politics.  Being represented by 67 Constitutional Scholars rather than120 career politicians.

The current political system was created by the financial elite to control oir lives, liberty and property. The system serves the financial elite at the expense of Floridians. Currently the members of the Florida State House of Representatives are not the most knowledgeable or honorable men and women in their respective districts. They are simply potential millionaires hired by billionaires to keep us penniless. Politicians masquerade as public servants while they collectively pick our pockets for their own benefit and the bankers they represent.

As long as money is needed to fund elections, only the financial elite and their agents will have the opportunity to be elected. By selecting the best candidates in each District based on their Constitu tional knowledge rather than on how much money they have to promote their candidacy.


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I've long said, Make 80% of government positions voluntary, and watch how quickly we decide to manage without it.

Originally, Congress wasn't a full-time job. They devoted 2-3 months per year, and continued with their normal work/businesses.

Everyone working in a government position should have knowledge of the Constitution (and its history), and swear to uphold it.  Citizens need to have the same knowledge, so they can guard their own liberty and assess the work being done by those in government.

The foundation is knowledge about the founding of this country.  

A novel idea BUT....

Per the constitution, The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state shall have at least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made...

This requirement has never been repealed by an amendment, it has simply been ignored through an act of congress in the early 1900s.

I like the idea but the number needs to be more like 10,000 representatives....

The original 2nd Amendment proposed would have mandated that there must be one representative for every 30,000. Today there is a ratio of up to 800,000. The amendment required one rep for the first 30,000 until the House of Representatives had 100 members. Then there would be one additional rep for until there were 200 Representatives. From that point forward there would be one additional rep for each additional 50,000.

If Congress would meet twice a year at a location that would rotate and if most sessions would take place online the reps could spend the majority of their time in their home district listening to their constituents. 

And not only more effective, but less expensive too. I see that CONgress does little to nothing in the District of Criminals anyway, so staying at home for 9 months of the year ought to be enough to get the entire year done for legislative actions back at home where they need to be in any case. They need only about 90 day's in D.C. to get the job done to begin with. The rest of the time they should be back in their districts and mingling in with the voters so as to gather the real opinions on their performance reviews.

I know that is unrealistic, but some thing needs to be done and soon. As it stands right now precious little will get done in the next two years any way.

But never mind, O has it all figured out for us, he's so wise, we don't know whats good for us any way, do we? After all he got in twice didn't he? 

I think one of the most important decisions we need to make during the next two years is to hold an Article V convention and address some of the problems we are facing today, where the US Supreme Court has arrived at interpretations of the US Const. that simply are not reflected in l'Esprit de la Révolution, as articulated by the Declaration of Independence, and I feel very strongly they should.

I have been reading over some of Thomas J. DiLorenzo's work: "Until You Understand Your United States Citizenship", or see his video: "Hamilton's Curse: How Jefferson's Arch Enemy Betrayed the American.... I think I speak for a lot of Americans when I say something just isn't right with our governance. The electorate has been trying to find the right combination to move the country forward, together, but try as they might, nothing seems to work. Americans are a pragmatic people. When something isn't working the way it should; we fix it. I believe it is time we seriously look at the problem with an idea of fixing it via the Article V, to insure the ideals articulated in the Declaration of Independence are accurately reflected in the US Const.

ex animo


I'll have to look it up again, but I have been laid up up for quite a while, and don't have my full library with me presently, so I'll make do with my pocket copy of the Constitution and the entire library of Congress online and the State Archives for my restudy on article 5 conventions, but I believe your right, something must be done, we barley have scraped the surface of corruption in what is supposed to be us running the country to begin with. We really have dropped the ball that our founders used to game with so well, until we got lazy and too busy, and too lazy again to hand down the birthrights we were born with and many of those birthrights are even a bit foreign to even our selves now. What we do in the next two years is any bodies guess, but if we continue the way we have in the past, the country we knew will be even more gone then it is today.

I'll leave the dear readers with this thought for the night...

Our founders are spinning in their graves like high speed gas centrifuges in Iran right now...Think about it...the Iranians surely are right now, and they are of a faith that wants to kill us too.

1)  Exhume Common Sense, bury PC, the latter has had a great a great impact in ruining this nation and men and women getting their genders mixed up, Aniston is a male, Cruise a female because we use "actor" for both!  This is just a contrite way to look at the ridiculousness of "PC."

Indeed a novel idea; let me share with you that are here three things that have been a very sad disappointment to myself since the election and before; however, the one we have a second chance to rectify and should!  1)  The God and Country Petition needs about 37,000 signatures to take to DC; he never asks a dime from anyone, he is Christian, a Patriot, member of SOL, wise and smart and last, but not least, a Conservative.  Please do the search and find the Petition developed and written by John Smaldone, TN. Some of you may already be in touch with him; he already has the personnel in place to bring it to the floor; 2) the best candidate for Governor in WY was soundly defeated.  He ran Independent, would have been an excellent turn around to the Obama loving governor we have; however, to get to the point.  He was not allowed equal air time as is lawful by I believe two or three stations in Natrona and Laramie Counties.  After the election I wrote to those that I knew were supporting him and asked them if they would please join we in filing complaints to the FCC against the involved stations.  There was NOT ONE reply, not one and two of these were running for offices themselves on the Constitution Party ticket and Independent!  That was a real smack in the face to me; 3) Election laws DO NOT trump your State Constitution and here, they did just that!  So, I write the SoS, Max Maxfield and file a complaint, do this twice, no communication from him at all, then I phone and his office staff hang up on me when I tell them, "Election law does not trump the Constitution."  Hence, being the stubborn  person I happen to be, I again write to many, in many states asking they read their Constitution and compare it to that of the state of Wyoming.  Not one reply!!!! That was another smack down; then I decided, o.k. let us just do those in WY that have long told me how they want "change" and the Constitution to be obeyed; you guessed it, not one reply, not one and I know it reached at least 20 to 30 and all involved, supposedly, in wanting a better state, a better Federal government and one way to do that is to start with a good, decent governor not what we got in WY, an Obama freak!   I doubt they even forwarded the request on to their own lists!  So, guess WY is o.k. with how things are, I am not! Govs have a lot of power and they use it either for the positive change or  negative change!

How many of you know this:  Bet most here at least!  The forefathers did not get a salary; rather just the expenses if I understood my second grade teacher!  That is how it should be, just expenses; all they have to do is serve two terms and they are millionaires; all they have to do is serve one term and they get their salary and perks the rest of their lives; with this in mind, why would any of them but a very few, want to do anything except sit and drink and wile away the time to get this egregious benefit for the balance of their lives?

Heck in the State of Wyoming, the governor purports whatever the Obama Administration tells him to including same sex joining which We the People soundly defeated not that long ago.

The way we do our elections is questionable enough as it is, and there are plenty of problems with it as it stands, there is no way to retain a certified copy that would hold  up in a contested ballot count to assure the ballots are truly and accurately be verifiable. 

The electronic ballot boxes aka computers are troubling because of the linking would have to go through a network to be tallied and then subject to tampering.

The thing, is people already are quite suspicious as it is of such allegations of rigged elections. So it's back to verifiable paper ballots and they are registered to you, secrecy is a long gone thing today, so secret ballots really don't exist any more. All who read and post here have been or are even now being watched. We will never hopefully need to know either. Ain't it great? TO KNOW THE TRUTH, INSTEAD OF LIES? All brought to you by Uncle Sam.

I see this thread has taken on a life of it's own now. I'm glad Mr. Sperry addressed this issue and I found his solution to be a bit over the top, but he's fundementally right, we need a certified copy paper based balloting system, so as to insure the elections process is a SECURE process, and verifiable too. If ATM's can printout a verifiable  paper receipt for banking transactions, then a balloting system can be done so as well. And it could include a hologram sticker on the certified receipt copy to insure it's authentic and beyond question in being being a valid copy. This is necessary to insure the integrity of our elections, and eliminate acusations of voter fraud, and assist in accurate vote tallies.  

I can't see a better way to accomplish this, but the option for biometric verification could be included to further assure the integrity of the elections process. Biometric's would assure no voter fraud or rigged elections, and let's make it a capital offense if anyone/or any parties are caught tampering with the tallies, the penalty is of course death. Let's face it, anyone who would violate our elections should be executed for having either done so, or for even trying to do so, and is a domestic or foreign enemy of the American People.


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