As long as the money from wealthy individuals and corporations is used to elect dishonest poluticians we will contunue to be exploited by the gangsters we elect.
I suggest we identify the top 10 Constitutional scholars in each of the 67 counties in Florida and put their names in a hat and draw the name of county's next representative in the state legislature. This would guarantee that every county would be eqyally represented.
If all of the candidates were equally qualified it really wouldn't matter which candidate was chosen.
This system would eliminate political parties and would take the corrupting influence of money out of politics. Being represented by 67 Constitutional Scholars rather than120 career politicians.
The current political system was created by the financial elite to control oir lives, liberty and property. The system serves the financial elite at the expense of Floridians. Currently the members of the Florida State House of Representatives are not the most knowledgeable or honorable men and women in their respective districts. They are simply potential millionaires hired by billionaires to keep us penniless. Politicians masquerade as public servants while they collectively pick our pockets for their own benefit and the bankers they represent.
As long as money is needed to fund elections, only the financial elite and their agents will have the opportunity to be elected. By selecting the best candidates in each District based on their Constitu tional knowledge rather than on how much money they have to promote their candidacy.
Off subject just a little but important to know: The marriage license, because the USA is a corporation, give the USA ownership of your children; the thing that one can do is: divorce and then print out a Marriage Certificate, get remarried and that voids what they can do with your children. There is also something to do with the BC but I have to study up on that a bit more. Thanks for bearing with me. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
the Constitution clearly does not give the federal so called government any authority with the exception of national defense, everything else is the states ownership and responsibility.
The Vatican PAYS FOR EVERYTHING , even your SS comes out of the trust ; either states get out of the FEDS pockets or ???
See last note above. This would take the States out of the Basttican's pocket Also.
Gothcha !
The idea that 435 corrupted human beings can be replaced with 435 equally corruptible human beings, without removing the source and levers of the corruption is silly on its face. Unlawful power is the corrupter. To change the corruption dynamic, the unlawful power must be removed from the offices held by politicians. Self determination for the individual is the essence, and the imperative of liberty.
Only if no one wants to try to regain control is your option. Then we have to live with the HELL Poked at us by Currents.
ID say fight dirty, often, and fast. Remember My Knife Fight analogy. Fight to not Loose. Cut high, wide, and deep, and most of all OFTEN.
About the only options we have left unless we get willing people to legally go after the bastards.
boot the bought and paid for beings out, get PEOPLE who give a damn about this once great Country and do not seem to be in office merely to make themselves rich.
This video speaks loudly of our current Government in Washington!
She is sure getting her money's worth out of that kitchen mop !
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