As long as the money from wealthy individuals and corporations is used to elect dishonest poluticians we will contunue to be exploited by the gangsters we elect.
I suggest we identify the top 10 Constitutional scholars in each of the 67 counties in Florida and put their names in a hat and draw the name of county's next representative in the state legislature. This would guarantee that every county would be eqyally represented.
If all of the candidates were equally qualified it really wouldn't matter which candidate was chosen.
This system would eliminate political parties and would take the corrupting influence of money out of politics. Being represented by 67 Constitutional Scholars rather than120 career politicians.
The current political system was created by the financial elite to control oir lives, liberty and property. The system serves the financial elite at the expense of Floridians. Currently the members of the Florida State House of Representatives are not the most knowledgeable or honorable men and women in their respective districts. They are simply potential millionaires hired by billionaires to keep us penniless. Politicians masquerade as public servants while they collectively pick our pockets for their own benefit and the bankers they represent.
As long as money is needed to fund elections, only the financial elite and their agents will have the opportunity to be elected. By selecting the best candidates in each District based on their Constitu tional knowledge rather than on how much money they have to promote their candidacy.
Elected people should work without (monetary) compensation because they should be the most respected (as measured by wisdom and understanding)** people of their community, hence among the most compensated (in every way except money or any artificial compensation).
**therefore eligible for all benefits available to citizens... working for money is actually an insult to man's intelligence.
If James Madison had to spend his own money on things for gov't it's because The People could not support him in any way other than money they did not have and/or could not deliver (hence especially distribute, job of the "legislature") in the end he was more used by the system than potentially supported by The People.
This would be a fantastic idea, bur alas, we appear to be over run with the de facto and it's bought and paid for cronies. How can we begin this fantastic idea and oust the entire corrupt bunch and return this once great country to it's original foundation?
We must all get on the same music sheet to even begin to sing.
Keith: "As long as the political party system is allowed to survive we will never have government characterized by ethics and integrity."
I think Dr. Schroder has identified much of the problem and it is apparent with his writings that the Setting House and Senate in 1860 died. We have no real government since the Lincoln EO #1 and General Order 100.
Only the Governors of each state can immediately reset this problem.
Oleg: "Work without monetary compensation". A Poor Person leaving a $100,000 per year job and going to Washington as a "new" Representative or "New" Senator, giving up his/her existing income is dog bait for the Political Criminals and their cronies.
Part of an old joke: Father advising his son on his departure from home after High School Graduation: "Give a man a good days pay for a good days work" ......(left out the politically incorrect part.
Jim: "Fantastic idea but" The STEP Program for dealing with developmentally disabled individuals teaches Parents to offer two Choices to the disabled individual; either choice is acceptable to you the family leader" There is no puts permitted.
This is the way to handle the United States Corporation government that is overshadowing the Constitution
Governors reset Congress which is an acceptable solution.. Reset cannot include people that currently are part of the "Corporate US Problem". If it is all of Congress to be reset so be it. In Florida, I believe that YOHO and DeSantez who are both newbies in Washington House, may be OK (note the may) where as RUBIO and Nelson are totally worthless and support the current ONE PARTY GOVERNMENT of DESTRUCTION. (Future: Jeb Bush is part of the ONE PARTY GOVERNMENT Management Team and is of no value).
However an unacceptable solution is that a number of Governors are incapable of re-setting their states simply because they have sold out to the cabal. It may be that the Constitutional Sheriff's are the ones that will have to do the RESET. Simply arrest all the criminal governors based on Investigation. After all, Government as it was designed ceased to exist in 1860 (thereabouts), and was further disenfranchised by Roosevelt and Governors in 1933.
Who do we look too to reset the government - Ourselves. There are many well meaning activities going on. Million Motorcycle Riders to Washington, OAS, Constitution Club, returning the Grand Jury back to County level to control courts better and more.
It is time to pool our thoughts leaving out if, when, buts, and language not conducive with STEP.
Let me give you a hint on where to start. I gave a briefing at a town hall meeting in Tallahassee Fl around 25 years ago on how we can improve social programs in Tallahassee. The County Elected Sheriff was present. The program was sponsored by Psychologist from FSU. A computer system tracking all court cases was under construction which statistically showed that out of 275,000 people approximately 2,500 committed most of the crime and workload on the courts in Leon County - folks that is about .009 of 1% of the population. I surmised that the Judges and Lawyers did not want these 2,500 people locked away simply because they created one hell of a tax payer revenue into the coffers of the Courts and Lawyers appointed to defend them. The County Sheriff stood and confirmed what I stated - I can only lock them up - the Judge is responsible for releasing them.
Fast Forward to this past weekend. Who controls the Lawyer Population in Florida. The Senior Supreme Court Justice of the State of Florida Supreme Court. All applications to practice must go across his desk. (One person control? reminds me of the song, "Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road and Stinks to High Heaven).
So, we are not only fighting the death of the House and Senate in the 1860's, but the Birth of Dead Skunks in the Middle of the Road and our mule wants to take another route.
Let us now focus on how to organize and go after Governors (through Constitutional Sheriff's if needed) to reset Congress. Done correctly, Resetting Congress, preparing Constitutional Budgets, will also reset the current criminal Executive Branch army of civilian armed dangerous employees. That leaves the United States Supreme Court.
But, remember this. If the House and Senate died in 1860, so did the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch. Just stop paying these SKUNKS.
To expand the Noel Idea: "The 2014 Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark is taking place amidst a climate of panic for many of the 120 globalists set to attend the secretive confab, with Russia’s intransigence on the crisis in Ukraine and the anti-EU revolution sweeping Europe posing a serious threat to the unipolar world order Bilderberg spent over 60 years helping to build.
Inside sources confirm to Infowars that the elite conference, which will take place from Thursday onwards at the five star Marriott Hotel, will center around how to derail a global political awakening that threatens to hinder Bilderberg’s long standing agenda to centralize power into a one world political federation, a goal set to be advanced with the passage of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which will undoubtedly be a central topic of discussion at this year’s meeting."
Find the list of the United States so called elite that will be at the conference, and anyone they support or find should not even be remotely considered in the RESET of the Congress, Judicial, and Executive Offices.
How much were the delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 paid? There are thousands of people that donate their time and talent to their church without compensation, why is it unreasonable to expect a man or woman that loves their country to serve for without compensation for two years?
Would you serve in Congress without pay? I believe that there are many people that would answer the call. Paying someone to serve their country is like paying a prostitute.
I would gladly serve without pay if I had the money to support myself without it. Unfortunately I don't. I think the only people who would be able to serve without pay would be people who are pretty well off. Assuming this would stop the corruption, that might be okay but it seems today the very wealthy are the ones who are the greediest. Take a look at Harry Reid for an example.
I agree, some compensation is required, but $200,000 a year, come one, they are not worth that!
There are millions of retired individuals that receive retirement benefits and no longer need to earn a salary. If a patriot has reached retirement age and are no longer working or receiving a pay check, why would they need to be paid to serve as a member of the House of Representatives?
When a man or a woman retires they are able to do whatever they want. They can choose to play golf, go fishing or serve in Congress. I disagree with the idea that for a man or a woman needs to be monetarily compensated to be a public servant. Only those that are willing to serve without compensation can be trusted to do the right thing for the right reason.
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