Prescribing a small dose of democracy to nation would be like prescribing a potentially lethal dose of Arsenic to a glass of Kool-Aid. Like many other things are good in small doses, both Arsenic and Democracy can be potentially very dangerous.
In our republican form of government our founders wanted to use democracy sparingly. They only wanted democracy to be used to elect the members of the House of Representatives. Like a dash of salt can enhance a meal, but a pound of salt will ruin the recipe.
When we allowed the people to began voting for the President we unleashed the power of the majority to squash the minority.
With the passage of the 17th Amendment our bicameral legislature became a unicameral legislature with two houses representing a single constituency and for all intents and purpose turned our country into a democracy
A democracy is like the flame you get when you strike a match, but has the potential to become a out of control forest fire if it is not monitored.