Due to the Congressional Apportionment Act pf 1929 the number of members of Congress was frozen at 435, This legislative Act violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment by apportioning 1 representative dor 587,000 and other states have one representative for every 800,000 inhabitants.

When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.

Florida has 9 vacancies in the House of Representatives and Governor Ron DeSantis has the responsibility to call for the election of 9 more Comgressmen to fill the vacant seats.

If the House of Representatives was properly apportioned all of the Congreeional Districts in every States would be the same size. . Wyoming has the smallest Congreeional District with just 583,000 and if all of the Comgressional Districts were the same size the House of Representatives would have 563 members.

Curremtly Florida has 28 Congressioanl Districts and if Florida and Wtoming were equally represented Florida state would have 9 more seats in the House of Representatives.

According to the numbers it is clear the states are not being equally represented. If every state was as well represented as Wyoming the House would have 563 Congreemen.

We don't need more repsentatives, in the House, we need better reprsentatives. I personally feel that the House of Representatives is den of thieves and that we should get rid of the House of Representatives and allow the Senators chosen by their state legislators to conduct  the necessary business.

should have

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