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Dump the Republican and Democratic Parties

Dump the Republican and Democratic Parties

Both the Reublican and Democratic Parties are owned and operated by the Wall Street Bankers and financial elite. The organized crime families discivered that rather than fighting with the government they should take it over. The Bonannos and the Gambinos decided pircjase seats in Congress to be filled with their agents. 

With the assistamce of billions of dollars at their disposal the Re[ublicn and Democratic parties hsve assumed the role that was once held by organizedcrime families. 

The parties control which candidates are on the ballot and who gets elected. No matter who you choose, they win and you lose. The parties have abandoned the platform of our founding fathers and embraced planks of the Communist Manifesto,

When you vote for either party you are giving your consent to have  a gang of thieves to pick your pockets.

Wall Street wins and we lose wjenever Congress is in session.

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