Ron Bouchard
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At 7:15am on October 10, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Please help me educate America by sharing my website and by making a donation.

At 8:12am on August 16, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

 In the  Treaty of Paris  Great Britain recognized theur former colonies as 13 independent sovereign emtities rather thab a simgle nation.

The untied States was not a nation, it was a union of states a union of states that contracted with one another to form a more perfect union.

Pr ior to the ratification of the 14th Amendment there were no such thing as citizeens of the united States because the Union of Americam syayes had not yet become a Nation.

The people had previously been citizens of the state of their birth. The 14th Amendment made everyone born in any of the states as dual citizens of both the state of their birth and the newly created United States

14th Amemdment citizens are subject to the juisdiction of National government and is operated by an oligarchy of billionaures and  Wall Streer corporations.

As a citizen of a state the people were sovereign and owed their allegiance to God and had inalienable rights but, 14th Amendment citizens are subjecs with privileges and immunities granted to them by the National government.

At 9:44am on August 14, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Brave men and women were called upon in 1776 to resist a despotic king and defend the rights that their creators had bestowed upon them. They enumerated 27 complaints against him that rendered him a despot and vowed to sacrifice their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor in order to ensure that their descendants would enjoy the benefits of liberty.
Tyrants are committing the same crimes against the people as before, and history is being repeated. We are the modern generation of the thousands of Men and women who are being called, just as in 1776, to resist their betrayal and peacefully restore the republic.

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