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At 12:16pm on March 20, 2024, Keith Broaders said…
At 9:36am on March 11, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Choosing to vote for a democrat or a republican is like choosing between a Coke and a Pepsi, no matter who you choose, you lose.

At 12:50am on March 7, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Who Owns Your Body

At 12:46am on March 7, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

At 1:37pm on March 6, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

At 11:30am on March 6, 2024, Keith Broaders said…
The End of Our Bicameral Legislature

Our founding fathers unrterstood that men in positions of power aught not trusted and that being ruled by the will of a majority was just as dangerous.

By creating a bicameral legislature our founders protected the small states from legislation that would benefit the large states at their expense.

The purpose of the senate was to prevent the majority in the House of Representatives from passing legislation that was harmful to the people in the small states.

When the 17th Amendment was fraudulently ratified in 1913 the senate lost ability to prevent the abuse of power by the majority of representatives from the large states.In 1913 our bicamerial legislature was repalced with a unicameral legislatire with two houses representing the majority and no house to represent the onterests of the states.

At 4:31am on March 2, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

 Los Angeles County

The nearly 10,000,000 people living in Los Angeles County could not survive without the nearly 2 billion gallons of water supplied annually by the other 56 counties in California.

Without the water supplied from other counties. Los Angeles would become a ghost town.

Because L A County controls the state legislature the residents of the other counties have virtually no say ,

When all of the counties were represented in the Califirnia State Legislatire they had a voice, but when the Supreme Court ruled that the state's practice of equally representing the counties was unconstitutional the counties lost their voice.

The two U.S. Senators don't represent the people of the entire state, they represent the people of LA County. 

At 2:05am on March 1, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Proportiomal Representation

After extensive debate, the framers of the Constitution agreed to create the House with representation based on Proportiomal Representation and the Senate based on equal representation.

States with twice as many people would be entitled to twice as many representatatives.and as the popularion of a state increased over time the ratio between the number of people and the number of representatives would remain constant.

The Founding Fathers established that each state would be entitled to one representative for every 30,000 inhabitants.

In Federalist 55 - Madison addressed a range of important issues, including the proper size of the House of Representatives, the role of representation in a republican government, and the importance of civic republican virtue.

 In Federalist 56 - One of the criticisms raised against the Constitution was that there were too few members in the House of Representatives to adequately represent constituents.

The rule reads: “The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every Thirty Thousand.” This clause was intended to limit the size of Congressional District, not to limit the number of Congressional representatives

At 9:54am on February 26, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

At 5:13am on February 22, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

How Our Republic Became a Democracy

The Founding Fathers wanted to create a limited government that would protect the God given rights of the  people. They knew that governments ruled by an oligarchy of the financcial elite  and governments ruled by of ignorant and uniformed voters could not prorect the rights of individuals.

They undestood that just governments would need to be governed by the rule of law rather than the opinions of the people.

For that reason the men who wrote our Constitution rejected democracy in favor of creating a Constitutional republic governed by the rule of law..

Founders who wanted to create a much stronger National government  realized that in order to achieve their objectives would need to misinteroret the original intent od tge Founding Fathers, 

The Constitution was document  based on Eight Key Principles

  1. Limited Government
  2. Republicanism
  3. Federalism
  4. Indicudual Rights
  5. Bicameral Legislatures
  6. Checks and Balances
  7. Separation of Powers
  8. Popular Sovereignty

All of the Founding Principles have been compromised  and over time our republic has become democracy.



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