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Our Country is the land. It is the mountains and the streams, it is the lakes and the forests.  Our Country is the people and the principles that we collectively embrace. We the people created the government and we are ultimately responsible for the actions taken by those we have elected..

We are the Masters and the government is supposed to be our servant. It is our responsibility to hold our elected officials accountable and if we believe that we are headed in the right direction, it is our duty to rid ourselves of the members Congress that have betrayed us and violate their sacred oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.

President Obama and Congress their power from the people when he ordered a drone strike that killed hundreds of children in Pakistan, it was as if we had collectively pulled the trigger ourselves. We need to stop blaming our elected officials and start indicted them. Every single member of Congress should serve their next term in prison..

Those that followed Hitler's orders were not granted immunity from prosecution and neither should the criminals that roam the halls on Capitol Hill.

Morality is doing what is right while obedience is doing what you are told. God's Law is based on love and freedom while the Government's Laws are based on fear and bondage.

What is the definition of a Patriot? A person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.

What is the definition of a Christian? A person who vigorously supports their God and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.

What is a Christian Patriot? A person who has an allegiance to both their God and their Country, but their loyalty to God comes first.

A Patriot is a person, regardless of race, religion on gender that has has complete and total allegiance to his or her country. A Patriot supports his or her country unconditionally. An individual that loves his God more than his County understands that when individuals and nations violate the laws of nature and nature's God there are inevitable consequences. When we align ourselves with a Country that violates God's Laws, we are in rebellion with our Creator.

Being a Christian is one thing and being a Patriot is something else. A Christian is someone that is loyal to Jesus and a Patriot is loyal to his Country. A Christian Patriot is someone that is loyal to his country as long as his country is remains obedient to the principles Jesus taught.

When an individual hires someone to kill another person, both the killer and the person that hired the killer are guilty or murder. When people elect Congressmen and a President that commit war crimes, we the people are responsible for their actions. If we don't want to be held accountable for their crimes, we must vote out every single member of Congress that voted to fund illegal wars of aggression.

How can a man serve two Masters at the same time. A man needs to set priorities. When a country engages in acts that violates the laws of God

The authors of the Declaration stated that it was a self evident truth that our rights were granted to us by our Creator. Our loyalty should be to our Creator and not to a government that violates both God's Laws and the Constitution.

Many people who call themselves Christians don't understand that attacking other nations to control their natural resources is contrary to the principles that they espouse. A true Christian does not worship the Savior with his lips. He demonstrates his love by his devotion to the principles that Jesus taught.

If God has proclaimed we should not kill, how can we justify the murder of millions of innocent unborn children


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So true.  What is a Patriot?  Someone who pledges allegiance to a flag or someone who pledges allegiance to God?  To Family?  To Neighbor?  

Love God and Love Your Neighbor.  This is the crux of the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God.


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