Seeking the truth can be a very painful experience. Many of the things we have been taught are not true. The idea that our founding founders believed that all men were created equal was un-true.

Pope Nicholas of the Catholic Church planted the seeds of White Supremacy when he issued a Papal Bull in 1453 that authorized the European Monarchs to to steal the lands they discovered  around the world that were already occupied by non-Christians indigenous people.

This policy of the Catholic Church was later adopted by the Protestant Churches and was transported to the North American continent by the British colonists.

The Doctrine of Discovery could also be labeled the Doctrine of White Supremacy, The racism in the United States can be traced back to the racist policy endorsed by the Catholic and Christian Churches .

For hundreds of years the Christian Churches in America have taught that white European male Christians were superior to all others and had rights, while women, non-Christians and indigenous people were not entitled to the same God-given rights.

Doctrine of Discovery

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