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 Two-hundred and thirty-seven years ago today, those American Patriots that were meeting in Philadelphia agreed to a document that gave birth to a government for a union of thirteen sovereign states. This Constitution created a limited government where all men and women were endowed by their Creator with the right to life, liberty and property.

The Constitution was based on the principles articulated in the Declaration of Independence. The founders believed in the premise that all men were endowed by their creator with a set of  natural rights.

The goal of the Constitution was to create a government where the rights of the people would be forever secure. The founders wanted to create a limited government where it would only have the powers delegated to them by the states.

Over the years, Walls Street Bankers and Corporations there have gained  control of the government to rob the people of their wealth and liberty .\

These criminals lurking in the shadows have been dedicated to creating a New World Order where the Bankers could enslave the entire planet.

John Adams once stated that there are just two way conquer a nation. One was by military conquest and the other was through debt.

When the British Bankers realized that they were not going to be able to conquer us militarily they decided to accomplish their objectives by plunging us into debt. We won the war militarily but lost our the war for our financial independence. In order to pay for the war the American colonies had borrowed vast sums of money from France, Spain and the Netherlands. Since we did not have the gold that was necessary to repay the debt, we needed to borrow the gold from Great Britain to repay the French, the Spanish and the Dutch..

Great Britain became our creditor and we immediately became debt slaves to the British Bankers. What Great Britain could not do militarily they were able to accomplish financially. The Constitution was enthusiastically supported by the Bankers because the new government of the United States could collect taxes from the people in order to repay the debt. Our government is essence became the collection agency for the bankers.

Even before the ink on the Constitution had dried the International Bankers have tried to control our government. They sent in armies of lawyers and lobbyists twist the law and to purchase secret agents that would follow their orders and promote their agenda.

The Bible teaches us that the love of money is the root of all evil. The bankers are the personification of that truth. Putting the private bankers in charge of the issuance of our nation's currency is a formula that will ultimately lead to our downfall. We must realize that unless we can regain control of our nation financially we will continue to be debt slaves in a land that once was free. 

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