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“It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.”
Benjamin Franklin

"Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God".
Benjamin Franklin

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety".
Benjamin Franklin


"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he  must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear".Thomas Jefferson

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization,
it expects what never was and never will be.
Thomas Jefferson

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up
homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."
Thomas Jefferson



"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil;
in its worst state, an intolerable one".
Thomas Paine 

Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: First a right to life, secondly to liberty, and thirdly to property; together with the right to defend them
in the best manner they can.

Samuel Adams 


Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force.
Like fire, it is a  dangerous servant and a fearful master.  

George  Washington

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest
political evil under our Constitution.
John Adams

In  Republics, the great danger is, that the majority
may not sufficiently respect  the rights of the minority.

James Madison 

Dear Friends,

I know that I recent post that questioned the Constitution was very offensive to some of the website members, but I make no apologies. I am a seeker of the truth and I believe that it is my responsibility to question authority in order to uncover the truth. Many of the things that we have been taught in government schools are simply not true. We have been lied to by our government time and time again. Is it wrong to question the motives of our founding fathers or should we blindly obey and honor these without taking the time to study the facts. I believe that it is my responsibility to provide your with the facts so that you can draw your own conclusion. Don't accept anything that have written, study the issues. For those believe in the power of prayer, I would ask you to call upon your God to provide you with the answers you seek. I believe that is it not wrong to question authority, I believe that it is our duty. If we blindly believe what our government tells us, we are more easily enslaved.

Keith Broaders

“But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it.  In either case it is unfit to exist.”
Lysander Spooner

"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government".
"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil;
in its worst state, an intolerable one.
Thomas Paine

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are  free".
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Power tends to corrupt and absolutely power corrupts absolutely
John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton

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I would have to concur that had the Liberty basis of the Constitution been strictly adhered we would not have many of the problems we face today - however, there were certain provisions put in the constitution that allowed a foothold to the problems we face.  Contracts that are not properly disclosed [adhesion contracts] have led us into a fascist state.

The original 13th amendment must be reinstated and only the legitimate provisions of subsequent "amendments" that we fraudulently imposed by deceit and duress.  Clearly womens' suffrage should be upheld [try to stop women from voting - yeah right!] not only should coercive slavery should be banned - so should voluntary servitude along with slavery under the color of law [prison industrial complex]

Whether the U.S.Constitution is perfect or not matters less to me than whether we uphold the principles it stands for or ignore it at our own peril.We are now suffering the natural consequences of disobeying God's natural laws in rejecting the liberty we have a duty to preserve.-Kevin Smith

I agree, one must ALWAYS question authority.

hierarchy of authority:
God created Man
Man created government
Government created corporations
and so on and so forth

but then again, We the People ARE (supposed) to be the authority. we are the ultimate authority. the government derives their powers from the consent of the People. we the People are the sovereigns, the ultimate power. we the People are the creators, the masters. we the People created the government and everything else on Gods green earth. we granted a portion of our sovereignty to a group of (supposedly) elected re-presentatives to re-present the People in this corporation. these so-called elected re-presentatives have strayed away from their delegated duties and have been corrupted by a criminal group of evil selfish serpents that have thrown the root of all evil (money) at them and have corrupted them to the bone. the very first dog that turned on his master was Abraham Lincoln when he was corrupted by the evil criminal banksters and turned on the People by giving on to them. when he attempted to give all the land of America over to the bankers as collateral to refinance the loan. he was attempting to force the south to give in to the bankers demands but they refused because they knew what would happen,the criminal banksters would steal our land from its and leave our children homeless on the land our forefathers conquered. that is why the southern states walked out on him. with that action, the government was dismantled and ceased to exist. the criminal banker servant Lincoln had no authority to do anything let alone create an "Executive Order #1" and declare martial law and start a civil war and attack the southern states under direction from the criminal banksters. he also created a new seat of government for the District of Columbia, a corporation called UNITED STATES. this corporation had been bankrupt by these same criminal banksters by way of their puppet Franklin Roosevelt in 1933 State of Emergency, and declared bankruptcy March 5, 1933 and stole all the gold from the People and gave it to these criminal banksters. the plan was finally set in place in 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act by their other puppet Woodrow Wilson. it took these criminal banksters exactly 20 years to bankrupt the UNITED STATES corporation. theyve hijacked the US corporation, the Federal government, the so-called elected representatives of the People, our economy, our money and everything else in between. if the traitorous Lincoln would've stayed loyal to the People, he would've told the criminal banksters to get fucked and kicked them out. for it would've been better for him, and the country, to tie a boulder around his neck and toss it into the ocean than to do what he did. since then, we've lost pure great nation to these evil criminal banksters who are all Satans agents and hell bent on destroying and taking over what God created and made so beautiful.

this country is under martial law rule til today and have been since that day of Lincoln. that is why the so-called president outta signing all sorts of "Executive Orders." the only way a president can sign Executive Orders is under martial law, which we are under today.

our elected representatives have turned on their masters like a crazed Rottweiler and must be put down before they completely devour their master.

Would someone explain how to Question two Idiots running the White House (Obozo and OBIDEN)

Our founding Fathers knew well about Liberty, because they always had the problem with the British Kings and Queens. Not only did England design to enslave the New Colony, they wanted a slave labor mind to be in all the colonies . This was why the colonies fought back . They made it known that they would not give rise to the English King, and Queen. They said NO , that is enough and they declared it that way. We became a free nation after the war with England. But we today are facing the same Tyrants again .  Now they are in our own government and work as parasites to derail the people . They are impostures and liars.  They are against the peoples freedom and weaken their social structure by voting bad laws. Corrupt their courts . Yet they have made themselves Corp. to do this.  Its the 1871, pack  The 1933 pack, and the updated Corporation, that has no power over a free person that declares themselves to be free. One has to realize the fraud , and take action. You must know your own power. They have no real control over you. People have given it by a FRAUD, the birth certificate. the voters card , the 14th Amendment. Yet, when we as a nation wake up. Which is happening  The Fraud will be revealed further and its happening before our eyes right now.  Power tends to corrupt and absolute Power corrupts absolutely. We will take back this nation. Its our destiny. Its our Power, Its our Right that they stole.  Long be it for the nation for true wealth, and our right to have peace and live free from the Corp. corrupt government we have now . 

The right to challenge authority was inherent for citizens of the states territories in legal proceedings. That was the purpose of the habeas and jurisdictional challenge and the reason for jury nullification.

While the jury nullification is not incorporated in the due process clause of the 14th and the habeas appears not to be deemed incorporated either, the foundation and law is well established for jurisdictional challenges. Unfortunately, judges simply ignore them knowing those in the appeals courts will affirm a conviction without comment - further denying an individual due process even under the 14th due process clause.

Something that is over looked by US / 14th subjects is listed in Art 4,3,2 wherein they are given the right to challenge any law or rule they are subjected to on the basis that it is oppressive and not actually needful. If challenged and not proven to be needful, the way Art 4,3,2 is written, the agency must abandon the law or rule. Since this is not in the bill of rights [ which is not even part of the 14th ] this powerful tool is over looked.

Bill May said:

The right to challenge authority was inherent for citizens of the states territories in legal proceedings. That was the purpose of the habeas and jurisdictional challenge and the reason for jury nullification.

While the jury nullification is not incorporated in the due process clause of the 14th and the habeas appears not to be deemed incorporated either, the foundation and law is well established for jurisdictional challenges. Unfortunately, judges simply ignore them knowing those in the appeals courts will affirm a conviction without comment - further denying an individual due process even under the 14th due process clause.

Something that is over looked by US / 14th subjects is listed in Art 4,3,2 wherein they are given the right to challenge any law or rule they are subjected to on the basis that it is oppressive and not actually needful. If challenged and not proven to be needful, the way Art 4,3,2 is written, the agency must abandon the law or rule. Since this is not in the bill of rights [ which is not even part of the 14th ] this powerful tool is over looked.

Question Hell !  I cannot remember not challenging it all the way.

Each of you are sovereign unto God ! Then who has authority over you ?   

Stand up ! You are no ones slave ! 

If you check your status on gov forms, such as the SS or even bank account applications and tax forms, you will see that the gov is deeming everyone to be US citizens. A study of the 14th court cases proves that means a citizen via the 14th, which is a strictly federal citizen under the system of law in DC, which is municipal law - a system of law in which the gov is deemed sovereign over subjects. See Art 4,3,2.

This presumption that everyone is a US citizen is what was used by the Bar [ which appears to be a communist organization ] to close all constitutional [ common law ] courts and replace them with courts in both the states and United States with courts that are part of the legislative branch instead of the judicial branch. Legislative courts are admin courts and unable to recognize most of the rights that were once deemed to exist for citizens - unless congress so authorizes it - which under the control of the Bar, it will not.

That is easy. You throw them in jail and then question them. Works for me. All kidding aside I agree with you. There is a saying that is one of my all time favorites.

You can't fix stupid! The government today is full of stupid. To fix it we must replace it. By the Constitution of course.

Osceola Renegade said:

Would someone explain how to Question two Idiots running the White House (Obozo and OBIDEN)

Practicing law isn't a crime,and neither is right of association-so,the BAR unionizes under a different do we prevent snakes from slithering into public office?And who determines the difference between employment and involuntary servitude?Slippery slope.

As a member of Sheriff Mack's posse, do you want to participate in restoring the Constitution.  become a jurist for your county also.


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