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In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson asserted that men and women were endowed by their Creator with a set of unalienable rights which included the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The founding fathers knew that in order to have liberty a man must have the freedom to acquire and dispose of his property. Whenever he chooses to trade his time, talent or property to another man he enters into a contract. This transaction is based on the mutual interests and entered into with the full consent of both parties.

If man has a right to contract, it stands to reason that a government created by the people cannot amend, abridge or lawfully repeal this fundamental principle of liberty.

If a monopoly is allowed to exist, it robs the people of their freedom of choice and therefore violates the laws of nature and nature's God. The primary function of government is to protect the rights of the people. The government should use its power to promote liberty by punishing monopolists.

Our government has created a monetary monopoly, an education monopoly and a tax monopoly in order to make slaves of the American people.

Our laws should punish individuals and corporations that violate the property rights of the people. A just law does not punish people for exercising their freedom unless they harm or injure another party. Laws that deprive people of their liberty are not laws, but merely edicts issued by tyrants.

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Did we the people not elect them, did we not ask for new laws to make this right or that fair, did we not ask to be protected from State laws we did not like like gay marriage, voter qualifications, education, air quality, water quality -

Well we got it all plus much much more and now we are unhappy as we want more liberty and freedoms to protect our property from government taking? Now we want them to STOP doing what we begged for in the past.

It is going to be a long hard fight that might be lost as 48% of the people now get free stuff and will fight change.

Our best chance might be this . .

Go to Watch the videos and read up on a solution to these and many other problems.

The role of the government, is to protect the borders & the citizens within. The Government, that we have now, is doing nothing but the opposite. Trouble is, the people of the country has not, so far, made any attempt to change the situation. When, the people of this country, start raising hell will the media, put a stop to the rino's, Not going to mention names, Maybe things will change.

In my 75 yrs., not so sure this will take place. Hate to say it. Have a great day and God Bless.


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