I am sorry to say that most people who call themselves Christians worship God with their lips but not their actions.

The Christian Pastors admonish their congreations to love one another while they support a government that has dropped over 337,000  bombs and killed hundreds of thousands innocent men, women and children.

The so called Christian Nation terminated the lives of nearly 1 million unborn children in 2023. 

Any organism that has a heart beat is alive and  murder is defined as  the ending of an innocent life. A Christian Nation that sanctions abortions sanctions murder.

When a man knows that a crime is being committed and remains silent he becomes an acomplice. 

Since 1973 there have been over 50 million abortions that have taken the lives of innocent  unborn children..

Christians are outraged by the murder of 6 million Jews in Nazi Germany, but silently continue to  pledge allegiance to a country that has killed over 20 million African American pre-born children since 1973.

There are apprpximately 210 million people in the United States that claim to be Christians. Collectively they could have ended the genocide of the umborn if they followed the admonitions of Jesus Christ .

Ir is a sin to remain silent while murder is sanctioned in a land that claims to be a Christian Nation.

Rather than speaking out the vast majority  of the over 45,000 ordained clergymen  in the United States have remained silent.

If 10% of the adult Christians refused to file and pay their income Federal Income Tax do you think Congress would get the message.

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