Preamble to the Constitution

Article I             Article II              Article III       

  Article IV            Article V          Article VI                  Article VII

Bill of Rights           Other Amendments

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If a pizza is equally divided every person would receive the same number of slices.  Like a Pizza, representation in Congress is supposed to be equally apportioned and it is not.

Wyoming with a population of less than 600,000's has one Congressional Districts while represents around 575.000 inhabitants while  political power needs to be shared equally among the states.

Between 2010 and 2020, the resident population in Florida increased from 18,801,310 to 21,538,187. The average number of people in each congressional district increased from 696,345 to 769,221

If the residents of Florida were being equally represented with the people of Wyoming the districts in both states would be the same. Currently there are nearly 200,000 Floridians that are not being counted for the purpose of apportionment in the House of Representatives. 

If both states were being treated equally, Florida would have 10 more Congressional Representatives.

The Supreme Court has ruled that every man's vote should count the same, but apparently this principles does not apply to apportionment  in the House of Representatives.

The only way all of the people in all of the states can be equally represented is if all of the Congressional Districts are the same size as the one in Wyoming. This would increase the size of the House of Representatives from 435 to 567.

In order for the states to be equally represented every Congressional District needs to be the same size. If the size of the districts are unequal it is impossible for all of the states to be equally represented.

Wyoming with a population of less than 600,000 inhabitants has one Congressional and Florida has one representative for approximately every 750,000 inhabitants.

There are an average of 150.000 people in each of Florida's 27 Congressional Districts or a total of over 4 million Floridians  are not being counted for the purpose of apportionment in the House of Representatives. 

Not only are the states unequally represented, they are also inadequately represented. According to the original intent of our founding fathers each state would be entitled to one representative for every thirty-thousand inhabitants.

By limiting the number of Congressional Representatives to 435 members we now have districts representing over 750,000. if each state had one representative for every 30,000 we would need to fill the over 10,000 vacant seats!

According to the Constitution when vacancies happen the Governor of the states are to call for writs of election to dill the vacancies. The Governor doesn't need Congressional approval to fill the vacancies.

The Supreme Court would have no lawfully authority to block a state from filling the vacant seats in House of Representatives. The law says that the  Governors have the Constitutional authority to do so and a Supreme Court opinion can not lawfully over-rule a Governor from honoring their oath.

if Wyoming was properly apportioned they would have 19 more representatives and California would have 1,267 representatives.

Every town that had a population of over thirty-thousand would have at least one representative and the voice of the people would be heard loud and clear.

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