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"No man's life, liberty, or property
is safe while the legislature is in session."
Mark Twain 1866
The members of Congress wield too much power. Up until Woodrow Wilson's Presidency the number of representatives in the House increased with each census. At that time the number of representatives in the House was frozen at 435. Up until this time there was one representative for every 30,000 people in the state. Today, there are Congressional Districts with over 900,000 people. This gives a current representative 30 times more power than a Congressman had in 1900.

I would like propose that the number of representatives in Congress be increased from 435 to 3,000. By having one member in the House of Representatives for every 30,000 people, the members of Congress would be much more accountable to their constituents. By increasing the number of Representatives in the House we would be able to limit the potential abuse of power by a few powerful politicians while increasing the voice of the people.

We could rent a Convention Center once every quarter in a different city where Congress could meet for 10 day sessions.The rest of the year the Representative would be at home where they would be directly accountable to their constituents.

Congress would meet four times a year for sessions lasting 10 days. Representatives and Senators would be paid $2,000 per session or $8,000 per year.

I also believe that all candidates that would like to run for Congress be required to take a test on their knowledge of the Constitution and the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence. The names of the top four candidates based on their test scores would be placed on the ballot. Since each member of the House would be representing only 30,000 people, a series of debates would be held at local venues where the voters would have an opportunity to get to know the candidates.

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I would like to crap out gold eggs, too....why write such vapid nonsense? Which one of our brilliant representatives is going to pick this ball up and run with it? He'll be eaten alive by the other slimeballs that inhabit our government.

   Sounds wonderful but I think you as well s everyone else knows this will never fly. The criminals in charge of this corporation will never let it happen without-----.

One HUGE drawback is the enormous amount of money that is shot down the drain to support MORE parasites and for what???  Still more treason?  The whole damned system is broken; why in the world would we seek to enlarge it?

Not enough sane people left in the country to get it passed.

What is posing as federal government is an organization that resembles a monarchy rather than a republic.  You have all this obscene power (too much secret) that exists under the Executive Branch and relatively little power in Congress.  

The Legislative Branch was originally designed to be the most powerful - today it is the least powerful - a laughing stock of the country and the other branches.  

It doesn't matter who we vote for as long as the organization of government no longer resembles the republican government as guaranteed by the Constitution.  Federalist Papers #39 details the characteristics of a republican form of government.

"The first question that offers itself is, whether the general form and aspect of the government be strictly republican. It is evident that no other form would be reconcilable with the genius of the people of America; with the fundamental principles of the Revolution; or with that honorable determination which animates every votary of freedom, to rest all our political experiments on the capacity of mankind for self-government. If the plan of the convention, therefore, be found to depart from the republican character, its advocates must abandon it as no longer defensible."  James Madison Federalist Papers No. 39

James,  Who is in charge? Are not we the people the Masters and the Representative our Servants. If we the people want changes it is up to us to make them happen.
James Shelton said:

   Sounds wonderful but I think you as well s everyone else knows this will never fly. The criminals in charge of this corporation will never let it happen without-----.

"Are not we the people the Masters and the Representative our Servants?"

Let's consult our representatives and find out....wait, they're busy shoving yet another unwanted bill down America's throats, while the common people have no recourse.  Obamacare, immigration,gun control, same sex marriage, Prop 8, medical marijuana, etc.

I think you have your answer.

Please provide a valid solution and I will help in any way I can. I know of only one.

It sounds good,but the powers that be would never pass such legislation because they would have to work for a living. They would lose power that they have over us.They would possibly lose their bribery money.They would lose their housing benefits,weekly travel expenses that we are paying for. Their outrageous meal expenses for fine foods and alcohol. There is a never ending list of things that they rip us off for.

We can't even get then to pass term limits. Why would we expect them to do something that bold?

You know, even if congress had much more power they'd still screw us 24/7 and enrich themselves.....same with legislative branch.  They're ALL rotten to the core, evil criminals (with a very few obvious exceptions), ignorant at the very least.

I wouldn't call them ignorant at all.  They are Diabolical Conspirators.Smart but Evil.   D.C.  is the home of diabolical conspirators.

Ellen Thompson said:

You know, even if congress had much more power they'd still screw us 24/7 and enrich themselves.....same with legislative branch.  They're ALL rotten to the core, evil criminals (with a very few obvious exceptions), ignorant at the very least.

OK, so we're all agreed that the government sucks. Not a big surprise, otherwise you wouldn't be on this site.



Actually, I am referring to those few who actually give a rat's behind about what they have been taught in our public fool system that has destroyed most of the creativity in the world--that ignorance.  There are a few who believe that they are serving and doing what is right.  Consider how long most of US have been aware of our growing knowledge of what is REALLY going on (relatively short time) and how our government was taken over so long ago.

Regarding ignorance:  as it's used against us, the "peons", who are ignorant of THEIR is no excuse for them who absolutely should know.

Yes, the vast vast majority are diabolical conspirators (DC), smart but evil and they need to be brought before citizen grand juries in Title 3 courts.....all levels of our criminal government.

Robbie Eagle said:

I wouldn't call them ignorant at all.  They are Diabolical Conspirators.Smart but Evil.   D.C.  is the home of diabolical conspirators.

Ellen Thompson said:

You know, even if congress had much more power they'd still screw us 24/7 and enrich themselves.....same with legislative branch.  They're ALL rotten to the core, evil criminals (with a very few obvious exceptions), ignorant at the very least.


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