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Many years ago the game of Monopoly was invented. The players in the game competed against one another to acquire as much property as possible to drive their competitors out of business.

Today the international bankers have been able to modify the rules of the game. Now the game pits the bankers versus the peasants and the object of the game is for the bankers to control the board and acquired all of property and to make debt slaves of all of the people.

The board is organized like the original game of Monopoly except instead of spaces labled Boardwalk and Park Place the space are labled Internal Revenue Service, Federal Reserve Bank. House of Representatives and the Supreme Court. There would be spaces for the Department of Homeland Security, and many other governmental bureaus and agencies.

Instead of collecting $200 everytime you pass go you would be required to fill out a 1040 and pay IRS a portion yearly earnings. Any player refusing

ca group of evil men decided to create a board game. The game was to be played on earth and everyone would be force to play the game. It pitted the International Bankers versus the peasants and it was the object to the game for bankers to control the people while acquiring the wealth of the people while they were sound asleep.

The bankers were allowed to create business partnerships with countries and to write rules that the peasants would be required to obey. The bankers would also be permitted to use force if any of the peasants refused to to play their game.

Instead of collecting $200 for passing GO, the peasants were required to pay the government a portion of their income every year. If any player refused to pay, the government could throw the offending peasant in jail.

All of the squares in this board game were to be owned by the bankers. Every time you landed on a square you would be required pay a fee or go to jail. If you happen to land on a vacant lot you could rent if from the bankerswould be the collection agencies for the bankers and who would steal the wealth of the people while the government schools and the mass media .

The bankers would be allowed to use intiate force if any of the peasants refused to pay ountry on earth. The bankers would print all of the money and the players would be required to borrow money from the bankers in order to survive. The governments of the countries would  become business partners with the bankers and together they would steal the lives, liberty and property of the people

The game pitted the bankers versus the peasants and the bankers, The bankers were permitted to own countries in order to control their natural resources and the wealth of the people. The bankers were also allowed to own the schools and the media which would allow to power to controld them to  were allowed to own countries. The governments were to make sure that the of the countries were responsible to make sure that the

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