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Accrding to the Declaration of Independence when a government becomes tyrannical it is the right and the duty ot thr people to alter or abolish their governemnt. The time has come for the people to reinvent our system of government.

Like a cancerous tumor our government has metastasozed and is threatening our survival as a nation.

Contress gas become a safe haven for corrupt lawyers abd politicians that repressent the financial interests of the Wall Street bankers and corporations. 

The men and women who were elected to serve us receive millions of dollars in campaign contribitions from the financial elite in exchange for billions of dollars in tax breaks and subsidies.

The abuse of power needs to end and I have a peoposal I believe is worthy of consideration.

Create a Board of Governors consisting of the Governors of each of the 50 states that will meet twice a year to decide on which Federal Laws need to be repealed.

The 435 members of the House of Represeentatives and the 100 Senators need to be replaced with the 7,386 representatives of te people serving in the legislatures of the 50 states.

The legislators in each state wil vote on all prposed legislation presented to them by the National  Board of Governors and each state shall have one vote. For the legislation to be appoved it shall take the approval of 38 states.

All current federal laws passed since the adoption od the Consttition will be revisited to determine their constitutionality. The opinion of a minimum of 38 states would decide what is and what is not constitutional,

Imstead of having a single President, the new government wouls have a Presidency consisting of three men or women chosen by the Governors of the several states.

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